As of right now I am going to make this a long post so bare with me.
Destiny 2 as of right now is hurting because of the idea of focusing more along the lines of the generic FPS genre instead of becoming the MMO/FPS many of of hardcores saw glimpses of in D1. There is no excitment in the guns, or abilities I wield. Even with this DLC coming up, if your going to increase the level cap, are you expanding upon the talent nodes for all the subclasses. Right now, having only two ways to play per subclass is the exact OPPOSITE of what we wanted. Destiny 2 is missing the chaos aspect, excitement, the for better words "unbalanced" aspect of PvE. Sure PvP is somewhat balanced but you killed the PvE scene as a result.
Disable abilites, perks, and even some weapons if you have to keep PvP balanced. However, Make PvE insane. Let us have the sensation of going ham, with well thought out challenges. Make Prestige mode of raids only for the elites, while having the standard raid be a way for all players to experience a dumbed down version of the raid while making the Prestige version of the fights have many more mechanics, basically making it an entirely new fight. Give it full matchmaking for the normal version while adding in a LFG system in game where we can find "statics" or even clans that help us build bonds. Make the Prestige versions of these raids the only way to hit the cap and have amazing weapons that are worthy of the challenge you give us.
Develop large scale strikes, lets have 12 man strikes that have raid-like mechanics to help teach people the basics of raiding while giving people gear that is a steeping stone to the Prestige raid.
Make Heroic strikes a special challenge with their own reward drops, unique looking vehicles/sparrows, with beefed up versions of the bosses.
Make Destiny the defining MMO/FPS experience. I want to feel powerful, but also fight powerful challenges.
Edit: I also want to point out one other thing. Destiny's setting is amazing, yet I am disappointed above all else of Bungie's lack of being creative and asking for feedback on things to truly make Destiny stand out. I want Destiny to not only have 2 million players at launch, I want this community to grow to 10 million users after years.
Coming from WoW, i can safely say that this game has a ton of potential to provide a great WoW alternative. They should heavily focus on making this an MMO/FPS experience. I will write a few things that i would love to see implemented and hope that if implemented other palyers will enjoy them too: 1) World raids. Every week on all the planets at random hours Bosses will appear. These Bosses will have huge life pools and will require the co-operation of at least 30 people to defeat them. Once defeated they can drop bright engrams, legendary gear, legendary mods, exotic gear (rarely), sparrows, shadders, legendary unique ghost shells etc. The Bosses will respawn on different locations on each planet each week and people will have a weekly lock out mechanic to stop them from farming the same boss continuously. So one player can kill each boss once every week and receive loot from it. This will actually promote the social aspect of the game and add replay value to the game as well as promote exploration, communication etc. 2) Professions. They should add professions that reward players with specific loot the more they practice that profession. For example they can add gunsmith where players will defeat enemies and those enemies can drop schematic for weapons and upon receiving the schematic that player can now craft that weapon if they farm the appropriate materials. The materials will require the player to farm certain groups of enemies in order to gather what is needed. They can also add mechanic, same principle as above but players can now craft sparrows. They can add scribe profession that awards special titles to people that explore the world and gather pieces of lore to complete a specific piece of history. They can add designer profession where people will farm materials and craft unique shadders (they choose what color combination to use per shadder) and they can craft unique ghost shells. Anyways you get the drift. Multiple profession will be allowed and players will not be restricted to how many professions they can have. 3) Transmogrification. Players can use the model skin of any similar weapon type to their equipped weapon. That is purely an aesthetic addition, but many times i get weapons which i like how they look but hate how they shoot, that way i can make any weapon of similar type ( smg to smg, auto rifle to auto rifle) look however i want them to look. 4) Faction large scale pvp. Let's say you are Dead Orbit and i am New Monarchy or Future War Cult, there is only one way to settle which faction is the best and that is to fight it out :p There will be a specific area were people of different factions can have a large scale pvp event where the winners will get some faction tokens and shadders. The pvp could be something like 30 vs 30 vs 30 on an a huge pvp arena and it can be a classic deathmatch to determine who wins. Fun for the whole family :p