[b]User asks what your pet peeves are:[/b]
[quote] Mine is when people don't respond to a text I know they've seen... [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User reports cofounder of AC/DC Malcolm Young has passed:[/b]
[quote] He was the glue that held Ac/Dc together. Now he's jamming with Bon Scott and Tom Petty in the afterlife.
RIP. [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User asks about the most embarrassing moments of your life:[/b]
[quote] We've all done embarrassing things or have been in embarrassing situations. Unless you're perfect like me. Joke! So tell of these cringe-worthy stories, or rat out on a friend's embarrassing moments!
As always, I'll go first: ...[/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User gets colorblind glasses for his birthday:[/b]
[quote] Super hyped. I was a bit reluctant to put them on at first because the 'normal' color spectrum for me would be completely altered by being exposed to the 'normal' color spectrum for everybody else... [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User asks what you'd like to see studied:[/b]
[quote]I noticed that in almost every discussion people like to bring up studies to back their opinions.
But are there subjects that haven’t been studied? Like would someone potentially be a better cook in a furry costume?... [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User tells us the story of Jack Schitt:[/b]
[quote]Jack Schitt is the son of Awe Schitt and Oh Schitt... [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User asks what you'll be doing during WW3:[/b]
I'll be playing games and telling my family 'I told you so' lol [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]Weekly Segment:[/b]
Rooster Teeth's channel description:
[quote]Welcome to the Rooster Teeth Channel. We're a production company in Austin, TX, making podcasts, animated shows, and live-action shorts and series. We also make content on a bunch of gaming channels; check those out on the right. [/quote]
[b]Link to channel:[/b] https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth/videos
I have been know to say that “the definition of cold is a pool party in Antarctica with the dress code strictly Speedo’s and bikinis, and the definition of cold is flying into a volcano with hairspray on” and with my guide to temperature conditioning, you can say this as well, step 1. Get a friend, 2. Go with your friend to Costco and have him fill a cart with your favorite ice cream 3. Get a bucket and take it to the bathroom, if anyone tells you not to bring merchandise into the bathroom, put it on your head as a helmet, if they ask you why you need a helmet in the bathroom, tell them you were hit in the head by a Orana Bear (that is a cross between a orangutan and a kuala bear if you peasants didn’t know) while exploring the jungles of the Atlantic Ocean and were using the bathroom, and proceed to go to bathroom 4. Get the bucket, fill it up with cold water, and poor it on yourself until you are drenched completely (repeat as necessary) 5. Strip out of everything except the swimsuit you wore under your cloths (be sure these are drenched as well) and take the spoon you packed out of your pocket for the ice cream 6. Put the bucket back on your head 7. Walk out of bathroom casually 8. When someone comes tell you to put on clothes ignore them and yell “FOOOOORRRRR SPAAAARRRRRTTTTAAAA” as you run like a mad man to the walk in freezer where your friend will meet you 9. Proceed to eat unhealthy amount of ice cream for 63 minuets 10. Run out of freezer like a mad man 11. Yell “FOOOOOOORRRR AAAATTTTHHHHIIINNNSSS” to thoroughly confuse all bystanders who have by this time compiled to watch the fiasco 12. Run like a mad man to the deli 13. Open up doors to rotisserie chicken cooker 14. Hop in 15. Share this copy paste with 10 people, no group chats or send backs, I hope this has been helpful from the bottom of my head, and as always stay safe and don’t do anything dumb Triumphant1000 out.