I'm probably completely wasting my time writing this post and that nobody at bungie is going to read this nor take it into any type of consideration because apparently bungie don't care about their core community and it even feels like they don't even care about their own franchise, but if people are reading this, and you agree with the points I'm about to make ... I beg of you to share this post around and make it known to the community and bungie themselves so that we can put our foot down and force bungie to actually listen for a change.
So I'm just going to say it how it is, plain and simple. People over at bungie and the Destiny 2 team need firing and replacing right now and effective immediately. After what I have seen bungie do to this game that has so much potential, they completely butchered it and showed just how lazy and -blam!- they really are....After bungie's recent second livestream about the "Curse of Osiris" something in me just snapped and now I'm full on pissed off...The livestream was the most underwhelming piece of crap I have ever seen. It did not get me excited whatsoever for this upcoming expansion. It rather left me upset and confused.
Whoo hoo, the largest public event ever made just for some tokens and a blue weapon. I'm fed up with the community literally yelling at the top of their god damn lungs for bungie to fix the -blam!-ing game (myself included) and bungie pretending like nothing's wrong and just sweeping us off their shoulders like we don't exist. They had THREE YEARS plus the development time for D2 to actually fix what was wrong with the first game and implement it into the second game while also adding innovative and fun new things (which they barely did) and for some completely unknown reason they still managed to -blam!- this up.
I am a passionate and hardcore Destiny player and have many hours invested into the first one and the second one. And I have never felt so scammed and decieved by a game in my life. And I actually cannot even believe for one second that I ever got hyped for this game in the first place....
This game was a complete and utter let down. This game promised an intriguing, fun, and action packed story that involved deep storytelling. Which it absolutely did not. Just because you actually bring in an antagonist with an overused background story about, "oh I was an outcast" bullcrap, and actually add a few cutscenes to the game doesn't make it intriguing. You can literally run past 90% of the story missions and finish it within an hour and a half. The Speaker is completely killed off when we have absolutely no idea who he actually is. And Ghaul the main antagonist who was hyped up to be this huge bad guy who literally rips our light away from us was poorly implemented and used. He also is killed off by the end of the campaign (which we literally get our light back in the second misson like are you even serious right now?!) The Exo Stranger and the darkness are straight up removed from the game as if they never even existed when they were the only mysterious things in the first game. And I can't even believe when bungie said they didn't even know what the darkness was....and they still don't know!!!! So they just thought that removing it from the game completely was the best idea which it never was and it shouldn't have even been suggested. This just shows you how lazy bungie are.
This game also promised "a ton of exciting loot!" Which it also did not bring. Absolutely none of the exotics and legendaries in this game feel special nor fun to use in any way, shape, or form and it almost feels like nobody over at bungie have an imagination of any kind whatsoever. The whole fixed weapon rolls and the change to the weapon system was one of the stupidest things they have ever done, just for the sake of balancing the crucible and making it fun, which it isn't.
Making the crucible 4v4 completely turned the crucible into a team-shooting sweatfest. Oh, and did I also mention that they took out half of the crucible modes that were actually fun, and how you can't even choose your desired crucible mode? Every single decision bungie have made for this game and every single thing they took out of the game has literally made this game go backwards instead of forwards.
This game completely lacks any type of incentive to do any of the activities whatsoever. And at this point, I'm hoping this game falls to its knees and dies like everybody is saying is gonna happen or another game comes in and completely rips its fame away (like it even has any) so that everybody over there at bungie are actually forced to do their god damn jobs and make a fun and replayable game.
The only endgame that this game has is bright engrams which is pretty much locked behind a paywall. How about taking everything in those bright engrams and actually making them earnable pieces of gear we can grind in-game. The enemies in this game are also pretty much copy and pasted code from the first game and are just as stupid and non-engaging as they were in the first game. You're telling me that bungie couldn't even make new enemy attacks? New enemy movements? Different ways to fight the same enemies we have seen in this game for almost four years? Oh and don't even get me started about the simplified subclasses. Their is absolutely no customization whatsoever when it comes to that, they couldn't even think of an entirely new subclass for the second iteration of their game. And the Arcstrider hunter is a perfect example of that, its literally bladedancer replaced with a staff...thats it....
Every single post I have seen in the forumns have been about how bad this game is and the problems it has. But in my personal opinion, people just straight up need to be fired and replaced. That includes Luke Smith and everyone else who have completely ruined this game.
Everybody knows the simple rule that once you make a mistake, you learn from that mistake and you try your best to not make that mistake again. But everyone over there at bungie keep making mistake after mistake after mistake....and I'm sick and tired of it and I know you, the person reading this post are too. I know this post sounds like I'm just complaining and whining but I just can't sit back and let this go on anymore without me having a say in it. If I were bungie I'd delay the Curse of Osiris DLC and actually fix the game first. You know what...lets take it a step further because we all know bungie can't do that and completely take the servers offline for however long it will take to fix the game and THEN release the DLC.
Guys I could go on and on for hours on end and keep typing this post and say what needs to be done to this game and what needs to be changed, but you guys already understand where I'm coming from and what needs to happen to actually make this game survive. If you've made it to the end of this post, you are an amazing person. But please, as I said above, share this post and make it known, either on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook whatever it might be and make this known to the community and Bungie themselves and if you don't want to do that and you are as passionate for this game as I am, please make you're voice heard to bungie. Bitch about the issues to them, force them to actually listen and make a change. This cannot go on any longer.
Thank you for your time.
[quote]I know this post sounds like I'm just complaining and whining[/quote] At least you said one thing i could agree with.