I'm an active player from Thailand. My last clan was great but consist of player mostly from the US, UK or Europe, so when I'm able to play 95% of the clan we're sleeping.
I'm down with anything and will pitch in to help with everything. I have a mic and communication in Thai or in English is not a problem.
Please invite :)
Hey Conun, The Citadel of Ricks TM [PS4] is a Sydney, AUS based clan in the process of recruiting keen, active players. We're a Level 6 clan, 70+ members, usually get the Nightfall and Crucible engrams every week, but we want the whole set and are working now on regular groups together for both the Raid and Trials. We had to call it at Calus last night, but should pick up the Raid engram this week. We're getting close to our membership limit and really looking to fill the remaining slots with very active players who want to raid and play Crucible/Trials. We're a relaxed, mature group who likes to have fun. We don't mind the occasional loss in Crucible or wipe in a Raid. We’re most active from 6pm-12am AEDT but currently have players on all through the day, due to recruiting 50+ people in the last week or so. You can find our details here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=1260958 If you're interested, hit the button on the Clan page or send me a PSN friend request (PSN ID RobRobot001). Take it easy, Rob.