I play almost everyday if I had a active clan I would play more. Do have mic
Celestial Vanguard | PC | ALL Activities | NA-PAC https://discord.gg/BketsKE The Celestial Vanguard [CEVA] is recruiting all players that enjoy playing with others because to put it simply, that's what we do. There's really only two main requirements to join. First is to join the discord and be active in the chat, as well as in game. Second is simple, CEVA is made up of those that believe their strength lies not in themselves, but in the support they receive from their clan mates so you, as a recruit, should have the same mentality. One person does not simply stroll through a Nightfall or Raid by themselves, nor should one pursue a seven win in Trials of the Nine with those they share no bond with. In CEVA, we have made it to where those circumstances will not occur. We have a dedicated voice chat, ample play time, extensive knowledge in Nightfall strategies, Calus slaying and of course how to be crucible champions. Want proof? Join our fireteam and discord and we'll show you the way the Celestial Vanguard does business and if you feel like it's an enjoyable place to be, feel free to join our cause and you too will never be without the light of your allies. Should you have any questions prior to joining the discord and fireteam, feel free to reply either on here or send our admin (listed below) a message directly on Battlnet. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from each of you soon! Very respectfully, Zelkova Serrata ADMINS BNET: Zelkova#11832 BlindedAssassin#7355331 WickedIV#17073790