We are mainly recruiting now for all events since alot are still on the road to be raid ready.
(We are not many now, since alot are also playing other games and/or waiting for the expansion)
But for the few that are still online we are helping eachother in this journey, with pvp, strikes, events, weekly milestones and nightfalls.
Feel like you belong here and want to be part of our group of happy fun peeps, then sign up and ill send a clan invite as soon as I am able to.
We also have a Discord for our guild/clan for many games, Destiny 2 included, this will require you to sign in to our Clan group and go thru its rules before the info will be shared.
If you want more info about the clan/guild or what our goals are then feel free to PM me.
Anyway thanks for reading this message and our recruiting post.
And i hope to see you ingame guardian in our road to glory, fun and ofc Epic loot :P
Madzy out :D
Still recruiting friendly peeps. Don't need to be max lvl or high power, you can join to make it ezyer to do nightfalls/strikes/other stuff. Just look up our clan and feel free to join.