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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/25/2017 10:45:23 PM
[b][u]WELCOME TO THE CELTIC ISLES![/u][/b] Everyone who had signed up for the yearly tournament made their way across the gellidius and ollimund in their own unique ways. Cars, teleportation, planes, super speed you name it. As everyone boarded the ginormous cruise ship that had arrived, they were immediately treated to their rooms and five star services. Clearly this Jarl Haakon shed no expense, but anyone smart enough knew that he wanted to treat his guests proper for the sole purpose of them being comfortable enough to gut each other the next day. While some who saw things at face value seemed to think this was an incredibly nice gesture of him. And for anyone who knew him, they knew it was a road between these two lines of thought. The cruise took two days until the fighters of the dojo laid their eyes on the isle of Ragnarok. It was a massive landmass and as they drew closer it was all they could see on the horizon. It was mountainous but also beautiful as it looked bountiful with life and colour. The city came into view, that was a sight all on its own. Massive buildings made entirely from stone and Nordic in their design. They towered over the large stone walls of the city which only opened up to the shore line were miles of boats were docked. Fire works shot off from the city as the cruise ship made its way into the large harbour, where the combatants would disembark to see the city in full. There were red, blue and yellow banners that made their way from building to building and lights that lit up the evening. Braziers were lit with white, magical looking fire across the top of the walls. However, not all was this colourful. If one would look around, they would see destroyed buildings in the process of being rebuilt. Roads that were cracked and damaged, and people who bore brutal looking scars on their exposed skin. Ah, yes, the Celtics. They were a large people. All towered over six feet. It seemed their hair came in two colours, blond and red. And the men, their beards would stretch down to their waists and their hair would be braided in order to keep it short. The woman too were burly, but their eyes almost seemed to light up the world around them. They braided their hair like the men, and as the group of fighters made their way up the city they soon realized cat calling was met with a swift punch to the jaw. As the group made their way up the town, which seemed to constantly elevate up on an angle, the massive coliseum came into view on the large road the group walked up. It was designed similarly to that of the other arenas, but this one seemed bigger, and was adorned with flashing lights and banners and braziers and... Lots of advertisements, actually. As the group neared the entrance to the arena, a large podium came into sight. And on it stood a large, burly man. He had ginger hair, a face that seemed to consist mostly of scarred tissue, and bright blue eyes that lit up as the group stopped in front of where he stood. With that, raised his hands up in greeting. “WELCOME! MEMBERS OF THE DOJO!” He bellowed. “My name, is Jarl Haakon. Thank you ALL for coming to this grand event! With your help, I have no doubt the Celtic isles will raise enough money to finish our rebuilding efforts!”Haakon told them. “Ah, But you’ve all had a long journey. And I’m not one to keep you waiting! I’m sure you are all wondering who you are fighting...hmm? Yes, I thought so. Well before we do that, I would like to explain just how this tournament will work!” [b][u]RULES FOR THE TOURNAMENT[/u][/b] [spoiler]You will ascend the ranks by fighting other people who are randomly selected to fight you. A “Bracket” is the set of fights. Each set of fights is timed, and said times are listed in the schedule. These are flexible, but we would like to keep to the schedule. Also, fight well. As by the end of the tourney rewards will be presented. 1) the first bracket will be five days of fighting. If you do not finish your fights by the end of that time the winner will be decided by judging. 5 days. 2) winners of first bracket fight. One winner sits out and will fight a loser from this bracket. 3days 3) while the winners move on the randomly selected winner(or the earliest loser) will fight the person who hasn’t fought yet. The winners from the second bracket will move on to the third. 3 days 4) Winners of second bracket fight will fight. The loser will fight the winner who was left behind in the second bracket while the winners of the third bracket move on. 3 days 5) Winners of third bracket fight. Winners move on while loser stays back to fight winner of second bracket. 3 days 6) Winners of fourth bracket fight. The winner moves on to the championship fight. Meanwhile the loser fights the fighter who was behind. Winner moves on to championship fight. Betting opens up at this stage. 3 days 7) champion ship fight. Lasts until a winner is won through combat. 8) the rules for this tourney are as follows. -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler] “And now...the fights for the FIRST BRACKET!” JT vs Zane [b]OH BOY[/b] Sonic VS Saber Wheb VS Dio Roy VS Hak Die VS ASAP Orn VS Tubbs [b][i]HO-LEE SHIT[/i][/b] Caz VS Space Mom Vile VS False Atom VS Cthulu “Also...” Haakon started again. “If any of you were confused, you will not actually be slaughtering each other. Each of you will be submitted to a SIM-CHAIR which will allow you to act as a digitally constructed version of yourself in the arena.” With that, the man crossed his arms and grinned. “Now! The fighting will begin...TOMORROW. So be ready, and we will let you know when your fight is on! For now, enjoy the festivities!” [spoiler]open to interaction! Hang around In Ragnarok as you please! Prob won’t reply so...feel free to write your own fun stuff.[/spoiler]

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