originally posted in:The New Dojo
“This place has quite the impressive training zone.”
Came a slightly familiar voice from just stabbing range away from him. Divia was stood there, with her strange multicolored eyes watching his movements carefully, the emaciated husk of another simulated attacker hanging over a nearby railing, and her left palm loosing a reddish-purplish glow.
[i]"No. Cool as in awesome, not cold in this context." [/i]
“I understand.”
[i]"Your turn."[/i]
“It is currently three hundred degrees kelvin outside, and this whiskey has been watered down.”
[i]"Whiskey - we gotta find us some harder shit." [/i]
[i]"Know any good VR sims that don't water it?" [/i]
“No. This VR is technologically based, not magically based, correct?”
[i]"Right." [/i]
“Then I don’t think I can make one.”
[i]"Y'know the sim can simulate magic yeah?" [/i]
“Not from magic. If it was magic I could manipulate the sim
[i]"Then try to manipulate it. You might be able to." [/i]
She closes her eyes, and opens them again, the pupils distorted into aberrant shapes as she looks at the glasses. [spoiler]Is the VR at all magical? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nah, but you can simulate magic and shit. [/spoiler]
Absolutely nothing happens.
[i]"Well, it was worth a try." [/i]
“I’m not very good against tech.”
[i]"So are you saying you could do it if we weren't in a sim?" [/i]
“No. If this Sim ran on magic, I would disable it completely and then re-organize the spell while it was disabled.”
[i]"I don't speak magician. What?" [/i]
“I’d turn it off, mess with the hardware, and turn it on again.”
[i]"Okay, wh- You know what I can make you a sim later, cool?" [/i]
[i]"Alright. Now, wanna keep the drinking game going or stop?" [/i]