originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Alright, that's reasonable. Wanna head to th' tavern so you can actually see the other people here?" [/i]
“If you wish.” She says, her voice flat again.
[i]"Alright come with me," JT said, before strolling over to the bar. He entered and got himself a whiskey from the bar, soon finding a seat near the corner of the room to sit in - He had a feeling she would appreciate the corner much more then the middle. [/i]
She follows him in, or at least she probably did. He didn’t see or hear her in between him opening the door and her exhaling slightly at his side.
[i]"Jesus! How the -blam!- do you do that!?" JT asked, before sitting at the table. He thankfully didn't manage to spill the whiskey, because, y'know, synthetic nerves kept him from jerking his arm about too much when startled. [/i]
“I stay in places people do not behold, so I am not seen.”’ Her eyes continue flicking about, presumably to those same sorts of places to make sure nobody does that to her.
[i]"Alright you really need to chill for a bit. Go grab a drink, I'll show ya how to relax." [/i]
She goes and gets water. With ice so it can chill.
[i]"...Smartass." [/i]
She takes a brief look at her ass. “Thank you.”
[spoiler]Oh god I'm suddenly glad I dealt with Qunari in DAO, know exactly how to handle this. [/spoiler] [i]"Do you always take things so literally?" [/i]
“I take things when they are needed. I interpret things in the most accurate way I can.”
[i]"Christ help me... Alright, go get three glasses of whiskey. No ice, bring them here." [/i]
She goes, and she gets them, and sets them on the table. “Should I go and get Christ?”
[i]"That was an expression." JT pulled one of the glasses to his side, leaving him with two and her with two as well. "Sit down. Care to play a game?" [/i]
She sits down. “I do not see a board, or a console, or a computer. Do you intend to synthesize one from VR?”
[i]"No, a drinking game." [/i]
“Intoxication will make my observations less accurate. I will be less useful. I will have less worth.” She doesn’t say no though.
[i]"Yeah, though this is VR. We can literally wish away anything and everything bad. Anyways, here's how the game works. We take turns saying one truth and one lie about ourselves, and the other person has to guess which is the lie if you get it wrong then you drink, and the glasses automatically replenish themselves when empty you want to play?" [/i]
“I will play.” She says, nodding for emphasis.
[i]"Alright. I'll start - Firstly, I fought a dude made of leather, secondly, I own a black van with the letters 'FBI Surveillance' on the side." [/i]
“The former is a lie?”
[i]"Nah, I actually did fight a dude made of leather. Stole some sèxbots and watched a buddy get cut into cubes that day, -blam!-in' strange." [/i]
You’d expect her to twitch or something, but she calmly accepts it as reality and drinks. “You have a blind spot starting one foot from your nape at a 62.3 degree angle if I am making myself less than 0.975 meters tall, and there is a type of creature with the ability to reverse all curses using its stomach acid.”
[i]"Second one, you're fûckin' strange enough to calculate that shit." [/i]
“Incorrect. Your blind spot is at 153.7 degrees, and it does not matter how tall I am, you never look there.”