originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"The -blam!- you tryin' to say? I don't speak mathlete." [/i]
“Technically correct. I have no objective evidence therefore.”
[i]"Alright. One, I'll do almost anything for fun, two, I love rum as much as whiskey." [/i]
“The second is a lie, otherwise you would have tried to see if there was any rum here when I revealed the whiskey was watered down.”
[i]"Smart girl. You're up." [/i]
“There are 8 revolvers in this building, but one of them is missing a chamber. There are four people outside in the dust storm.”
[i]"Second ones a lie - It's a sandstorm, and I counted the revolvers on the way in." [/i]
“Incorrect. The five chambered revolver is upstairs on a table. I saw it when I was on the roof.”
[i] JT proceeded to drink his whiskey then. Even with it being watered down, he was starting to feel a buzz. "One, I'd probably be tryin' to sleep with someone here if I wasn't talking to you. Two, my best friend calls me master for some reason." [/i]
“The former is false. You stated you were in a relationship.”
[i]"No, I said I was single. But you're right, since these people are simulated." [/i]
“My memory seems to be less than perfect.”
[i]"Mhm. Your turn."[/i]
“We should be very drunk right now, and I estimate at least four people are going to try to murder us within ten minutes.”
[i]"First is a lie, you mentioned the four earlier." [/i]
“Very good. By the way, duck.”
[i]JT leaned to the left and rolled out of his seat, standing up a second later with his pistol aimed at the door. And thus, three shots rang out from his gun. [/i]
Three quieter shots from Divia’s pistol were heard, followed by three thuds as bodies hit floors. “We’re clear.”
[i]"What now then?" [/i]
“Leave to a secure location before anyone else tries to murder us?”
[i]"Works by me, I got a hotel room a block away we could hole up in for a bit?" [/i]
“Should work. I’ll follow you there.” And she’s gone again.
[i]JT made his way over to his hotel and walked up the stairs to his room. He left the window open, just in case she would enter through that. [/i]
“Thank you for your consideration, but I just followed you through the door.” She says as she steps back into sight and closes the window.
[i]"Never know with y'all ninja -blam!-ers," JT said as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a cabinet, sitting on the edge of the bed. [/i]
“Assassin, not ninja. I use guns instead of shuriken.” She says calmly.