originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Damn, and I thought my draw was fast..." She muttered.
She aimed towards the sky, still in eye contact with JT, and fired the weapon.
"We both know you're the better one of the two of us. What happened in the bar long time ago proved that."
[spoiler]>Mia used flattery[/spoiler]
[i]"What bar?" JT asked, straight up not knowing what she was referring to. He had no recollection of most nights in bars. [/i]
"It was in the middle of the day, and I'd shot a robber, took his money, then you confronted me, shot me in the chest. Busted my kneecaps," she recalled. "Was I the only one that remembered that?" She asked.
[i]"I do that to a lot of people." [/i] [spoiler]>Alpha >Mia >Zenia >That's only in Dojo. I need to do more shit than kneecaps ffs[/spoiler]
Edited by Splashback77: 11/26/2017 5:03:46 PM"What I figured, Marshall. You've got fast hands, and expirence, I assume. Me, I'm still a bit young on the gun, and open to some advice."
[i]"Fûck with your gun. A short barrel makes 'er lighter but adding a couple o' plates can act as a counterbalance, just get familiar and experienced with the gun there." [/i]
She nodded, understanding. "I'll keep that in mind."
[i]"Wanna practice? I can set up a couple of targets." [/i]
"Sure," she decided.
[i]"Aight. Name someone ya don't like."[/i]
"Tommy Blake Dixon. Punchy Titan. Annoys the living shit outta me," she replied.
[i]About twenty feet in the distance, he stood there then. Well, a simulated variant. "Fire when ready." [/i]
She fired multiple shots. Some were aimed, but most were hip fire. The hip fired shots struck the Titan's torso, and the aimed shots were headshots.
[i]"Alright drop the headshot bullshit, chest shots are much better for you with a secondary weapon." [/i]
Edited by Splashback77: 11/26/2017 6:15:19 PM"Alright." She seemed to be reluctant...
[i]"Try again." [/i]
She fired again, only hip fire, all bullets piercing the target's chest.
[i]"Good shit. Give it a few years and you'll be a damn good gunslinger." [/i]
[i]"Was that all?" [/i]
"I think so..."
[i]"Then get going."[/i] [spoiler] Didn't you want to learn counters?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I did. But can we do that in pms?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Works by me. Your starting tho. [/spoiler]