originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"So are you saying you could do it if we weren't in a sim?" [/i]
“No. If this Sim ran on magic, I would disable it completely and then re-organize the spell while it was disabled.”
[i]"I don't speak magician. What?" [/i]
“I’d turn it off, mess with the hardware, and turn it on again.”
[i]"Okay, wh- You know what I can make you a sim later, cool?" [/i]
[i]"Alright. Now, wanna keep the drinking game going or stop?" [/i]
“Your choice.”
[i]"I'm partial towards continuing, but it's up to you, really."[/i]
“Then let us continue.”
[i]"Who's turn is it again?" [/i]
[i]"Aight. Firstly, I have had more kids than I can count. Secondly, I'm currently in a relationship." [/i]
“The first is a lie.”
[i]"Nah, I've had a few hundred kiddos. Your turn." [/i]
“I think you’re full of shit, and I don’t think you’re full of shit.”
[i]"First one." [/i]
[i]JT then took a drink. "Alrighty - One, I've written history books about earth, two, I've got more friends with benefits than actual friends." [/i]
“The first is a lie.”
[i]"What tipped you off?" [/i]
“Your personality.”
[i]"Gotcha. Your turn." [/i]
“I might have a sister, and I am cheating at this game.”
[i]"Sister. Ain't nobody using 'Might' in these types of games." [/i]
“Technically correct. I have no objective evidence therefore.”