[i]"If it's a chick then to leave it to me, damn it. Cool?" [/i]
“Why?” She asks curiously
[i]"You're joking, yeah? I'm a cowboy. Cowboys are not only good fighters, but stereotypically th' vaquero types are massive fûckin' flirts." [/i]
“Then if it is a woman I will definitely kill her before you get anywhere near her.”
[i]"Why?" [/i]
“Because you will be distracted and more likely to become injured because of it.” She says a bit more flatly than usual.
[i]"Divia I'm made of metal. Even if I die 'ere, I'll literally respawn up the road." [/i]
“It’s the principle of the thing. I’d be a pretty shit weapon if I let my boss get killed.”
[i]"Dude y'ain't my employee. I pay you because I literally got nothing better to spend my money on." [/i]
There’s a twitch in her eye, a spark of anger, and she’s gone, along with your drink.
[i]"Divia?" JT asked, not knowing where she's gone to. He looked about for a bit. [/i]
“I won’t be some useless charity piece.” Her voice grumbles, bouncing around from one side to the other. Ventriloquism. The sound of something being drunk comes from above though.
[i]"Mother-blam!-er you ain't charity, I'd have done a lot more if you were," JT said. He just looked ahead now, because no way in hell was he trying to follow her voice. "Just get in a body and we can talk 'bout this like two semi sane people." [/i]
There’s a slight thud behind him. “As you wish.” There’s an ever so slight slithery sound.
[i]JT turned behind him to see what it was. [/i]
Divia stood there, holding out his drink, with something disappearing back into her back
[i]"Div, if that's a -blam!-ing snake then I swear I'm slapping your ass back to the poverty line, do you hear me? We're chilling out right now." [/i]
“It is not a snake.”
[i]"What is it then?"[/i]
She sighs and closes her eyes. On her back, opposite her heart, a glyph glows, and 12 spectral tentacles emerge from her back like extra limbs, and solidify into flesh. “One of those.”
[i]"That... The -blam!- is it? Should I be scared, aroused?" [/i]
“Just one of the spells I’ve got on me. Same as these.” She holds up her left and right hands, showing a glyph on her left palm and the back of her right hand. “I was using it to anchor myself in the ceiling.”
[i]"Still doesn't answer the scared or aroused bit." [/i]
“Scared, no. You’re my employer, not my target, aroused, you’re not paying me nearly enough for that.”
[i]"So yer saying paying more will get me aroused? Duly noted," JT said. Whether he was joking of serious, well, not even his writer knew that. Probably joking. [/i]