originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i] JT proceeded to drink his whiskey then. Even with it being watered down, he was starting to feel a buzz.
"One, I'd probably be tryin' to sleep with someone here if I wasn't talking to you. Two, my best friend calls me master for some reason." [/i]
“Just one of the spells I’ve got on me. Same as these.” She holds up her left and right hands, showing a glyph on her left palm and the back of her right hand. “I was using it to anchor myself in the ceiling.”
[i]"Still doesn't answer the scared or aroused bit." [/i]
“Scared, no. You’re my employer, not my target, aroused, you’re not paying me nearly enough for that.”
[i]"So yer saying paying more will get me aroused? Duly noted," JT said. Whether he was joking of serious, well, not even his writer knew that. Probably joking. [/i]
“No. That is not what I meant.”
[i]"I know, but taking things and warping words is a talent. Like your magic. Speaking of which, what's it do?" [/i]
“The tentacles are a straightforward physical enhancement. Also useful when swimming. I can focus to heal my own wounds, impart high amounts of magic into things at range, drain vitality at close range, have increased agility and speed, and can turn myself into stone.”
[i]"That sounds badass. I like them." [/i]
“Thank you. Though there is one more. If I deactivate all my abilities, I can nullify all magic in my field of vision.”
[i]"Sounds useful, if you're fighting mages." [/i]
“I think that is what I was made for, yes.”
[i]"Shit, better than half the stuff I could come up with. Especially since yours are magic." [/i]
She blushes slightly. “Well, Thank you sir.”
[i]"No problem." [/i]
“Anyways, I should probably go and deal with that bandit leader.” She’s a bit more awkward, a crack in her attempt at a professional shell.
[i]"Right. Want me t'come with?" [/i]
“If you’d like.”
[i]"Aight. Lead on." [/i]
She does exit through the window, this time working to keep in his sight, moving upwards towards the roof easily.
[i]JT joined her, climbing out with practiced ease. Of all the people to know how to scale a wall with perfect form, a -blam!-ing cowboy could. [/i]
She moved slowly along the rooftop, careful to stay in his sight in the swirling dust.
[i]Thankfully for the both of them, the storm had almost subsided entirely. He followed the assassin, easily keeping her pace. [/i]
Noting this, she sped up, eyes tracking everything.
[i]JT wasn't as focused on the surroundings as much as the person he followed. For once he wasn't staring at her ass, rather he was just trying to follow her. [/i]
Her movements were almost creepily quiet and efficient, she danced back and forth as she moved, sometimes lying almost flat, other times making a silent leap. It was sort of like watching a spy in the movies dodging laser grids, but she was dodging lines of sight instead.