“Leave to a secure location before anyone else tries to murder us?”
[i]"Works by me, I got a hotel room a block away we could hole up in for a bit?" [/i]
“Should work. I’ll follow you there.” And she’s gone again.
[i]JT made his way over to his hotel and walked up the stairs to his room. He left the window open, just in case she would enter through that. [/i]
“Thank you for your consideration, but I just followed you through the door.” She says as she steps back into sight and closes the window.
[i]"Never know with y'all ninja -blam!-ers," JT said as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a cabinet, sitting on the edge of the bed. [/i]
“Assassin, not ninja. I use guns instead of shuriken.” She says calmly.
[i]"You know what I mean, sneaky one." [/i]
“Of course cowboy.”
[i]"So, any idea who wants us dead in virtual reality?" [/i]
“It is most likely a segment of the program acting according to its programming. Anyone who actually wanted to kill you would do so where death matters.
[i]"Right, well, hopefully nobody tries t'kill me in here," JT said, sipping his drink. [/i]
“However, we should this hypothesis. Computer, exit.” She states. [spoiler]Assuming this works like the holodeck[/spoiler]
[i]The program of the computer shifts into nothingness, a terminal popping up in the corner as JT fell to the cold black floor. "Well shit, there goes my bed and drink." [/i]
“Computer, resume program.” The program returns. “Alright, then it’s an in-program thing.”
[i]JT was now lying back on his bed, the drink in his hand. "Right. What now? Because I'm outta ideas, unless you wanna get drunk as hell." [/i]
“Find whosever wants you dead, and kill them first?”
[i]"Bandit leader then, easy." [/i]
“Right. I’ll deal with him,”
[i]"If it's a chick then to leave it to me, damn it. Cool?" [/i]
“Why?” She asks curiously
[i]"You're joking, yeah? I'm a cowboy. Cowboys are not only good fighters, but stereotypically th' vaquero types are massive fûckin' flirts." [/i]
“Then if it is a woman I will definitely kill her before you get anywhere near her.”
[i]"Why?" [/i]
“Because you will be distracted and more likely to become injured because of it.” She says a bit more flatly than usual.