[quote]There are 2080 hours in your typical year 40 hrs a week. So you essentially made a videogame a full time job for nearly 3 years. What a waste of time.
You were top in Wisconsin. Put that on your resume I guess. Lol[/quote]
Uh... yeah... if he crammed it all in a single year. But he didn’t.
There are 8760 hours in non-leap year, & averaging over 3 years his time clocks in at 1667 hrs/yr or 19% of the total time he had available. That’s 1.3 days out of a 7 day week, per week per year. Or, better put, that’s 4-1/2 hours a day every day ... or 2-2.5 hours a night during the work week & 8-9.5 hours on the weekends (and that’s not including longer play sessions on vacations or holidays that free up more weekend time for other activities.)
IOWs, entirely plausible that he did this AND held a job, had other hobbies, etc.
I meant 2080 working hours in a 52 week, 40hrs a week. So essentially the dude worked almost a full time job playing a game. Spin it anyway you want. It's an insane amount of time to sit in front of a TV. Life is passing you by.
Still absolutely insane.