Recently Bungie Addressed XP and how there was a cooldown on earning XP.
They claimed to have fixed the situation but that simply isn't true.
Here's some words from a reddit user, I'll use his info to help people understand.
[quote]The heroic event displayed 3125exp and i had in total 4-500~ mob exp, if the numbers were displayed correctly i should have just about 3.5k. [b]However according to the tracker I only gained 2,180xp.[/b]This is from a PE using a coin, assuming the 25% boost is still true. That's about 1,600xp without subtracting the mob kills. [b]It's very clear that xp gains have been halfed in exchange for no cooldown, yet we're once again being shown misleading numbers.[/b]
So i swamped to another character who was near leveling and killed some mobs. I needed 130xp to reach a bright engram, after 245xp + 1 Legionnaire kill i got it. Xp has been halfed globally, [b]it's not just public events. [/b]
Running a strike to see if it's the same. I doubled check with the recording and not only did i miss count the mobs killed (didn't factor in teammate) there was also a coin being used. Strikes are also affected by the -50% exp. I hopped back in and killed 1 mob to confirm suspicion, display said 43xp yet tracker says 21xp. [b]This is worse than i originally though, strikes are worse off than before.[/b] [/quote]
So like this guy said there is -50% XP earned for every activity in the game.
This is a very poor decision, and It wasn't made in regard to the players.
We have an Official response.
Bungie Help Made a response on Twitter, (Click this paragraph to read it) I'm not sure if i should to trust what they say, or consider it nonsense. This I think is a way to heighten the recommended XP you need to earn a bright engram. That is not good whatsoever. We still need a better XP system.[/url]
*halved* I just wanted to be petty and add nothing to the conversation. Carry on, this comment is meaningless.