originally posted in:The New Dojo
“Well, I do my know where I want to go.” She says, smiling as she spotted someone selling merchandise...based on the cowboy himself. It was beyond all the cosplayers and unconscious people.
[i]"I've got a cosplay and there's several people knocked out in front of th' stands. Fitting." JT followed Shila. It was her trip for the moment, he was curious as to what she was doing. [/i]
She walked up to the stand, an Asari (fitting, at least for JT) at the stand, a cowboy hat and makeshift revolver in her hands. “What can I get you, partner?” She asked, looking to JT. “Nice cosplay, by the way.” She states, Shila pointing to the hat sitting there looking almost identical to JT’s own.
[i]"How y'all get this shit to be so accurate is beyond me. Y'all selling replicas or real guns and shit 'ere?" JT was... Well, let's just say a convention back at his old home only lasted about three hours and involved SWAT teams. So he didn't know what they sold exactly. [/i]
“You can Thank a lot of dedicated fans out there. People across the multiverse look up to the Dojo. Amoridia. Other places; they see everyday people and idolize them, wanting to be like them. Not everyone’s heard of you guys; but a good number, if I do say so myself. Also, the guns are toy laser guns. For the kids, mostly.” The Asari explained, motioning Shila into a dressing room, where she changed.
[i]"I'm tellin' ya, ain't none of the guys back home would believe this. Me, in a tournament with Dojo people? Etana would shit a brick..." JT said the second part to himself, trailing off into his own memories as he looked amongst the various things and awaited Shila. [/i]
There were little plush dolls based off him, and even entire custom posters. This was the same on other stands across the market, each representing a different fighter. “Just a minute!” Shila Yelled form the fitting room...right before a bunch of [url=https://cosplayhouse.s3.amazonaws.com/images/product/Borderlands-2-Psycho-Cosplay-Costume-Version-01002.jpg]Psychos[/url] ran around the corner, dressed as various fighters, including JT. Said Psycho dressed as the cowboy grabbed him by the collar, a toy gun on him. “WHEN THE COWBOY KILLS FLESH-MAN, FLESH-MAN GO BOOM! FLESH-MAN GOES BOOM FROM COWBOY- MAN!” The Psycho screamed in front of JT, another one yelling. “WE’LL SEE IN A BATTLE FOR THE DEATH ON MEAT-TOWN!” One of the other Psychos dressed as Zane told the Psycho dressed as JT, the cowboy-Psycho staring toward JT. “GOODBYE, COWBOY-MAN!” He tells, running along with his other psychos toward their elevator out.
[i]JT straightened his shirt collar and looked at the group with confusion, the dominant expression displayed proudly on his face. He didn't know if he should throw a grenade and hope for the best or let them be, so he did the latter and just watched them walk off. [/i]
Shila walked out, her outfit now consisting of her jean jacket on, her black tank top underneath. Her black leggings became jeans, her black sneakers on. The most noticeable feature? Obviously, the JT replica hat she had on, as she leaned on the wall. “Howdy, Master.” She says, smiling. “How do I look?”
[i]"I ain't got no words," JT said, completely honestly at that. He did like the look of Shila currently, and the hat was a damn nice touch on her. [/i]
She smiled, walking up and kissed JT on the cheek. “Thanks.” She says smiling. “Couple thousand credits, just for the couple.” The Asari cashier told JT.
[i]JT grabbed his wallet - one of the few times he ever used it - and paid for the things purchased, with a one thousand dollar tip to the Asari. [/i]
“Thanks, partner. Have a good one!” She Yelled, Shila walking away, placing her head on JT’s shoulders. “This is fun, Master.” She responded.
[i]"Yeah, shoppin' trips usually are. We should do this more often." JT said as he walked with her, wrapping an arm around her. [/i]
She smiled, as they passed through more cosplayers and shops, a dance party in the middle of the Market, drinks of all variety at a booth set up nearby...guarded by Klingons and Krogan, of course.
[i]"You wanna grab a drink?" JT asked Shila, motioning to the booth with his free arm. [/i]
“Duh. Who wouldn’t want to?” She asked JT, the Klingons raising an eyebrow, recognizing them from the Dojo...which had a habit of wiping universes out. [spoiler]I remember in Roy’s universe post that Cannon use his Mandos and somehow wiped the Star Trek universe out. Not saying it’s canon here...I think.[/spoiler]
[i]JT chuckled in agreement and approached the booth with her. "Alright. Wanna play a little game?" [/i]
“Yeah.” Shila whispered inside his ear, the Krogan now chuckling. They clearly knew it was JT.
[i]"Aight. We each get a whiskey and tell the other person one truth and one lie. The other person has to guess the truth - You get it wrong, you drink." [/i]
Her smile got wider. “Let’s do this.” She says.
[i]"Great. I'll start." JT told the bartender about the little game they were playing, and immediately gave both JT and Shila five drinks to start. "Firstly, I've got enough stories to write several books. Secondly, I absolutely [b]hate[/b] using my Heads Up Aug in combat." [/i]
“Second. Clearly, you’ve been here long enough for a lot of people to recognize you.” Shila told JT, chuckling.
[i]"Right, you're up." [/i] [spoiler]They're calling the truths not lies lol. I'll not call that out on this one tho. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh...alright. [/spoiler] “Alright...either I had a Master before you, or there’s two Klingon women creeping at you.” She says, smiling.
[i]"Second one's true. I've been in enough bars t'know that sorta shit." [/i]