Moral of the story: The community can make an impact.
You HAVE to realize this.
I don't mean saying broad statements to them, like, "Yeah, hmm, that seems interesting, we'll look into it," or, "We have a plan, uhh, sort of."
I mean genuinely understand that most of the people in this Community want the best for this game.
I found this game a few years ago, when it was in TTK. I immediately fell in love. The story, the gameplay, the GRIND! It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. I poured hours, days, weeks, months, years of my life into this game that I cared about, cared for, lived in.
When people like me who are dedicated to this game and this community give feedback, we aren't trying to say, YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST AT THIS STOP DOING THIS THIS GAME IS TRASH!
I just want the best for the future of this game, of this world I love.
So please. Just try to listen. Without the community, this game couldn't exist. Without the people to buy the game, no one will, and you'll go out of business.
Learn from your mistakes.
Listen to the players.
Move forward, not backward.
Make this game one of the greatest ever.
Make this game
Yeah, we've seen the community impact. That's why we have all of the changes to supers, subclasses, weapons, etc.