originally posted in:The New Dojo
“Duh. Who wouldn’t want to?” She asked JT, the Klingons raising an eyebrow, recognizing them from the Dojo...which had a habit of wiping universes out.
[spoiler]I remember in Roy’s universe post that Cannon use his Mandos and somehow wiped the Star Trek universe out. Not saying it’s canon here...I think.[/spoiler]
[i]JT chuckled in agreement and approached the booth with her. "Alright. Wanna play a little game?" [/i]
“Yeah.” Shila whispered inside his ear, the Krogan now chuckling. They clearly knew it was JT.
[i]"Aight. We each get a whiskey and tell the other person one truth and one lie. The other person has to guess the truth - You get it wrong, you drink." [/i]
Her smile got wider. “Let’s do this.” She says.
[i]"Great. I'll start." JT told the bartender about the little game they were playing, and immediately gave both JT and Shila five drinks to start. "Firstly, I've got enough stories to write several books. Secondly, I absolutely [b]hate[/b] using my Heads Up Aug in combat." [/i]
“Second. Clearly, you’ve been here long enough for a lot of people to recognize you.” Shila told JT, chuckling.
[i]"Right, you're up." [/i] [spoiler]They're calling the truths not lies lol. I'll not call that out on this one tho. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh...alright. [/spoiler] “Alright...either I had a Master before you, or there’s two Klingon women creeping at you.” She says, smiling.
[i]"Second one's true. I've been in enough bars t'know that sorta shit." [/i]
“Good; because look behind you.” She says, as two Klingon women, seemingly recruits chuckled silently at JT, seemingly having their cheeks turn pink if he looked at them.
[i]"I'll grab the numbers later," JT said, waving to them before turning his gaze back to Shila. "Okay. First, I've caught three guys jumping out of an airship. Secondly, I want t'blow up the next airship I see." [/i]
“You want to blow up the next airship you see. Haven’t heard you say anything about catching a few guys.” She says, drinking her second shot.
[i]"Right. Back in my twenties I caught two guys out of an airship, not three." [/i] [spoiler]Cyberpunk bounty, wild ass day. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]...Honestly, I didn’t even know about that.[/spoiler] “Alright... I secretly conspired with Liara...either to give you a cake the next time I saw ‘wrong’, or for someone to randomly go up to the center of the plaza, get a piano, and sing Billy Joel songs for the rest of the day today.” Shila had asked, her lips curling out into a smile.
[i]"First one's true. Liara's a hella generous soul, I can see that saint of a woman doing that." [/i]
“Wrong.” She says, a chocolate ice cream coming to JT, a wink made with frosting on it. “Your move, cowboy.” Shila says, winking.
[i]JT took the ice cream and chuckled. "Alright. One, you're hella flirty when you shop. Two, I hate cowboys." [/i]
“...isn’t it obvious? I’m that cute, aren’t I?” She says, chuckling, as she grabbed her spoon, digging into the cake.
[i]"Damn right you are," JT said as he grabbed a second spoon, which he proceeded to use to take a bite. [/i]
She chuckled. “Alright...I was born to the leading family that caused a war on a planet with a merc faction...or I’m actually 25 years old.”
[i]"First's true, you don't look a day over twenty three." [/i]
She snapped her fingers. “Why thank you.” She says, smiling.
[i]"I got one. Firstly, you're damn attractive in my eyes. Secondly, this cake is god awful." [/i]
She smiled, almost like she was willing to kiss JT. ...which she then proceeded to do, specifically on the cheek.
[i]JT chuckled to himself right there, grinning like the idiot he was. "What was that for?" [/i]