originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Whatever she's on, I want," Nat jokingly said as she watched Artemis. There was really no understanding that woman. [/i]
"Same here." Lyn and Natalie would eventually lose Artemis altogether. "...Where the hell did she go? Why doesn't anyone just stick to the group anymore?"
[i]"Oh God damn it." [/i]
Lyn sighed stopped walking to observe their surroundings. "And she was our guide too....I have no idea where the hell I am. Nat. Can I call you Nat? Do you have any magical stuff that could help?"
[i]"-blam!-, if I had one then I wouldn't have to hunt for money. I'd be selling maps." [/i]
"Oooof course...." Lyn grunted and began to walk forward. "Well, let's just keep going? Have to find her or the way out eventually."
[i]"That works for me. Lead on, guide-in-command." [/i]
"Onward, my friend!" Lyn marched forward only for the branch she stepped on to crack and break. "F*ck..." She fell several dozen feet, hitting numerous branches on her way down.
[i]Natalie had managed to jump off as well, straightening her body to be almost pencil-like so that she fell faster. It took a lot to land with a roll and catch Lynn on the way down, though she managed it. [/i]
Lyn groaned as she lay on the ground, wincing from the pain. "Ow..."
[i]"Do you feel any breaks or sprains?" Nat asked Lynn, looking over her. [/i]
Lyn had some cuts and bruises on her legs and arms, but that was about it. The only real note worthy injury was a bleeding gash on her right cheek. "N-No...I don't think so." She sat up with a grunt.
[i]Nat reached into her jacket and pulled out a small cloth, which she started to pat the wound with as to help with the bleeding. [/i]
"Thank you, Natalie. I don't look too banged up, do I?" Lyn managed a small chuckle despite having just fallen out of a tree.
[i]"You fell, it's not like you blew up. I've seen worse," Nat replied with a joking tone, casually tending to the wound. She pulled away and tossed the rag to the side, standing up after. [/i]
Lyn stood up as well, wincing when she stepped with her left leg. "Alright, so now we're on the ground. I think that's something we were not supposed to do."
[i]"-blam!- it, we're here now." [/i]
"Wait, shush..." Lyn went silent, eyes darting around the foliage that surrounded the duo. "Maybe it's a bunny?"
[i]"A bunny that wants to -blam!-ing kill us," Nat said as she pulled out her staff. [/i]
"Gotta think positive, Nat, or e-" She was caught off by a low growl that sounded like it was coming from something rather large and very close. "Nevermind, it wants to kill us more than likely. Great..." Lyn pulled out one of her swords, though it looked like a weaboo's katana in her sheathe it seemed to form into a giant claymore in her hands.
[i]"Right. Well, good luck with that -blam!-er." [/i]
Out of a nearby bush a giant dog walked out, its eyes red and teeth exposed as it snarled at Nat. The beast was extremely tall for a dog at 6'0" and looked a lot like a greyhound on steroids with large bulky muscles covering its body. Above its eyes the hell hound had two goat like horns, black like its hide. "Well, we found the dogs..."
[i]Nat grabbed her staff with either hand, and looked to it with a grimace. "-blam!- it, party time." [/i]
Suddenly the two heard a growl from behind and an identical hound leaped out at Lyn. The woman raised her sword and slashed at the beast's head just in time to stop it from biting her leg. "Nat, I swear to god you better have some good abilities!"
[i]"Lyn, get into the -blam!-ing trees. I got these guys." [/i]
"I'd rather you don't die..." Lyn swiftly kicked the hound in front of her in the face before sprinting up to a tree. The dog standing in front of Natalie lunged forward, jaw open to bite.