originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"You're joking, yeah? I'm a cowboy. Cowboys are not only good fighters, but stereotypically th' vaquero types are massive fûckin' flirts." [/i]
“Then if it is a woman I will definitely kill her before you get anywhere near her.”
[i]"Why?" [/i]
“Because you will be distracted and more likely to become injured because of it.” She says a bit more flatly than usual.
[i]"Divia I'm made of metal. Even if I die 'ere, I'll literally respawn up the road." [/i]
“It’s the principle of the thing. I’d be a pretty shit weapon if I let my boss get killed.”
[i]"Dude y'ain't my employee. I pay you because I literally got nothing better to spend my money on." [/i]
There’s a twitch in her eye, a spark of anger, and she’s gone, along with your drink.
[i]"Divia?" JT asked, not knowing where she's gone to. He looked about for a bit. [/i]
“I won’t be some useless charity piece.” Her voice grumbles, bouncing around from one side to the other. Ventriloquism. The sound of something being drunk comes from above though.
[i]"Mother-blam!-er you ain't charity, I'd have done a lot more if you were," JT said. He just looked ahead now, because no way in hell was he trying to follow her voice. "Just get in a body and we can talk 'bout this like two semi sane people." [/i]
There’s a slight thud behind him. “As you wish.” There’s an ever so slight slithery sound.
[i]JT turned behind him to see what it was. [/i]
Divia stood there, holding out his drink, with something disappearing back into her back
[i]"Div, if that's a -blam!-ing snake then I swear I'm slapping your ass back to the poverty line, do you hear me? We're chilling out right now." [/i]
“It is not a snake.”
[i]"What is it then?"[/i]
She sighs and closes her eyes. On her back, opposite her heart, a glyph glows, and 12 spectral tentacles emerge from her back like extra limbs, and solidify into flesh. “One of those.”
[i]"That... The -blam!- is it? Should I be scared, aroused?" [/i]
“Just one of the spells I’ve got on me. Same as these.” She holds up her left and right hands, showing a glyph on her left palm and the back of her right hand. “I was using it to anchor myself in the ceiling.”
[i]"Still doesn't answer the scared or aroused bit." [/i]
“Scared, no. You’re my employer, not my target, aroused, you’re not paying me nearly enough for that.”
[i]"So yer saying paying more will get me aroused? Duly noted," JT said. Whether he was joking of serious, well, not even his writer knew that. Probably joking. [/i]
“No. That is not what I meant.”
[i]"I know, but taking things and warping words is a talent. Like your magic. Speaking of which, what's it do?" [/i]
“The tentacles are a straightforward physical enhancement. Also useful when swimming. I can focus to heal my own wounds, impart high amounts of magic into things at range, drain vitality at close range, have increased agility and speed, and can turn myself into stone.”