originally posted in:The New Dojo
There’s a slight thud behind him.
“As you wish.”
There’s an ever so slight slithery sound.
[i]"Hey, mind doing me a favour and settin' me up a target?" [/i]
“Computer, devise an assassination scenario for JT.” The world shifted to a European street, the eastern sort you’d find in the balkans. In the distance came the sound of a parade.
[i]"Mother-blam!-er are you making me kill an Archduke? Because this is how World War One kicked off," JT said to Divia with a chuckle. His clothing shifted as well, rather than being a heavily armed cowboy he was not wearing a pair of jeans, black boots, and a grey tee shirt that hugged his extremely muscular torso. His Augs looked almost like flesh, and hidden in his hand was a dagger, one which was ornate and jeweled. He started walking down the street, motioning for Divia to come. He figured it was time to practice with that knife Lance had given him. [/i]
She follows. “That seems to be the situation.”
[i]"Right. Well, do me a favour and stay in th' crowd, aight? Just watch me." JT maneuvered his way through the dense crowd, moving through the crowd with ease as not many people wanted to try and stand in front of a buff man of his height. The crowd parted like the red sea for him as he approached the guards of the Archduke's vehicle. He slashed at the trachea of the leftmost guard with his dagger in a reverse grip, before lifting the blade over his head and stabbing it into the heart of the second guard. With a lunge forwards he grabbed the driver of the car and tore of his throat, and all the while he drove the knife into Archduke Ferdinand - He dragged the blade across his lungs and cut deep enough to slice open both, before the dagger was placed into his heart where it pierced the septum. JT pulled the knife out and approached Divia in the screaming crowd - Either the Archduke would bleed out from the heart functioning improperly or he would die of pierced lungs. [/i]
“A tad brutal, and hardly subtle, but the job is done nonetheless.”
[i]"Last time I was subtle, my friend chopped another to pieces and I ended up with an armada of angry séxbots in my company. I ain't doing shit like that anymore." [/i]
“Armada of angry sexbots?”
[i]"Long story. Got time to listen?" [/i]
“Of course.”
[i]"Alright. There was this dude named Jack Rabbit, head of the local mafia collective. Good dude, never dealt in slavery or any of the more heavy drugs, and he was pretty fair. Me and my friends Ivan, Daego, Lance, Etana and Diana were hired to enter a robot gentleman's club to off some high priority target in the basement. We get there and Diana charms the guard of the main entrance while Etana's girlfriend Trinity takes out the second guard, both ended up dead. Etana gets us through the systems of the club's locks with his hacks while me, Daego and Ivan just kind of hang around. So we get to the basement and unlock this -blam!-huge door, and we find our target. Only our target is literally made of leather, and he's skinnin' this one android chick. Of course I wanted to keep the droid for personal reasons, but we had t'turn 'er in to Jack Rabbit as proof we did the things. I had a rifle with me so I pumped a few shots into the thing, but it takes Ivan's body over. Lance chops the -blam!-er to pieces while Ivan ends up as little cubes, so I go upstairs and deal with the crowd control - Cops and running patrons, all that shit. I had a few dudes swing by to pick up a good twenty of the séxbots for my apartment and dip outta there, though Leatherman got away. Daego chased him since, y'know, he basically killed his brother while Etana and Lance drop off the body of Cynthia, and my lil' militia got some bots for free use. Though I put rules in place, because robot lives matter too." [/i]
“Wow. I have no words.” She says, flabbergasted.
[i]"Yeah. Shit was wild in my day, not like th' shit that happens nowadays. Hell that wasn't even my last job for him." [/i]
“Good to know.”
[i]"Yeah. That said, I'm officially out of shit to talk about and do." [/i]
“Alright them. I’ll be nearby if you need me, close as shadows.” And she’s gone.
[i]And that said, JT found himself heading to the tavern once again. [/i] [spoiler]End or continue? Your call. [/spoiler]