Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. And the RNG was never weighted in D1 right?
I'm SO glad I stopped playing. Really.
You RIGGED your own game, and when you got caught you either doubled the exp from what it was or you halved it after the fact. You're trash.
***Edited in spoiler info ************
*******4:12pm 11/29/17************
The following spoiler edit contains Bungies ign interview where Bungie states their independence in their unique contract with Activision, which has never been removed or countered by Activision all these years, where bungie expresses their complete 100% control over all things Destiny and the IP, where they stress that THEY (Bungie) have the "Final Say" on ALL things regarding the game.
[spoiler]For those who may not BE aware that "Bungie has 100% final say regarding Destiny".
The TLDR -->image<-- quoting those under Bungies own employ stating their 100% final say control over the Destiny game (full interview linked underneath this link):
The "Full interview" of Bungie with IGN, stating their "100% Full Control of the Destiny game:
Paul Tassi of Forbes Magazine pointing out the huge mistake of time management in Bungies contract with Activision:
Bungies "known" past publication of the contract with Activision:[/spoiler]
****From a discussion where a player called everyone for playing "idiots" and stated "experience is meaningless"****
[spoiler][quote]OMG you become outrages that they are only giving you 7 worthless nickels an hour...
But you are the idiot that is working for them for worthless nickels to begin with...
Shouldn't you be outraged at yourself for having such low self-esteem.[/quote]
How can I be working for those if I never bought Destiny 2, and never played it (however I just downloaded the free trial but haven't created anything yet).
By your analogy... Doesn't that make you "the idiot"? You literally just called yourself an idiot for doing exactly what you just accused me of, that I've never done.
Wow. Life is good.
Here, not that I believe you can read, but who knows maybe you'll actually understand this.
[quote][i]EXP' basically become meaningless[/i][/quote]
For reference:
"Exp being meaningless "is completely incorrect.
While the rewards are digital in the form of "Experience", the TIME in "real life" and the "work" that transpired was not digital. And because the monetary currency is "experience" in Bungies delegated system, it's no different than if a person was asked for bit-coins they'd earn by playing. The experience delegated by Bungie as a currency works same as if you were asked to pay bit-coins. The difference in this, is REAL life time and work required and existed to earn those bit-coins, only titled as "experience".
With the throttle system at max only allowing 4% of that time to BE rewarded with an allowable 4% of the actual experience you legitimately earned, with an average of 6 hours a week,
that 4% is only 1.44 hours, or 86.4 minutes. So out of 6 hours, Bungie would have only allowed 1.5hours (we will just round it up) of your real time you've spent to essentially exist to "them". The rest of the real time and work you've done is non-existent to them. It never happened. The time you've spent didn't exist. Every and any minute of your work to earn, thrown away, it's gone. With "experience" being the bit coin currency necessary to obtain loot boxes aka. Bright engrams with your "real life effort and time" Bungie was essentially ROBBING people of no less than 4% of the ACTUAL monetary COST of the loot boxes they spent actual work and time to aquire because the set experience necessary to level is the matched equivalent of 1 loot box which costs $2.00 per engram... $5.00 if you buy the silver.
1 loot box, minimum $2.00, with only 4% earned because of the throttle system essentially only allowed you .08, or a ridiculous 8 cents. Robbing every player of $1.92 cents every engram lost via a total of throttled real life work.
Wow.... They were Actually robbing players of $1.92 every level beyond 20.
Hardcore players were robbed the most. Which I find ironic, because hard core players are what seriously keeps this game alive, and Bungie essentially punished them the most with this system.
So, put simpler.
While you played this game, for every total necessary to earn a bright engram you payed Bungie $60 dollars for them to take your work in real life, steal real money via the throttled experience, and keep their contract with Activision afloat. Bungie SCR3WED every player since launch day. And they PAYED Luke Smith to do it.
And even IF you didn't play with the throttle at max, eventually you were robbed of five dollars every time the total denied you a 2.5 bright engrams every day since launch.
It's real life time.
With real work.
Doesn't matter "what" the reward was. So it's cool if you don't care they stole from you. Do you mind if I steal from you? Cause if it was me, you'd be angry if I took just one $1.00 dollar bill. Imagine me doing $2.00 every day you play forevery level for over 2 months. Rofl
And you payed me $60 to do it to you. And you aren't smart enough to recognize this AND You just admitted to the entire community that you aren't smart enough if we stole from you? Pity. No wonder your analogy was wooden nickels. You aren't intelligent enough to recognize real money. Bye
I gave up expecting Bungie to do the right thing long ago.