Well, here's the deal (as I see it) with the cancellation of the Live Stream and the forthcoming Blog Post.
Rather than address these glaring issues, that quite frankly have the vast majority of players upset (or at least, enough Players that it's making Bungie/Activi$ion nervous) on a Live Stream/Broadcast, and allow for a back and forth of live questions from the fans themselves; Bungie has taken the path of making a blog post where they are the only voice talking.
Regardless of whether or not you think D2 is great or garbage, this removes the ability to directly respond or call out Bungie, and whether or not they are going to even address the most major issues, we won't know (and won't be able to respond to their words in "real-time") until they post it.
And even after they post the Blog Damage-Control-Update, all we're left with is responses after the fact.
There's a huge flaw with Bungie's plan though.
Once the blog post is up, it's up. It's written word.
While Bungie has shown -ZERO- compunction in the past to outright lie about what they've written down and promised to their Players, at those times in the past, the game was more popular than not, and they were able to shrug off most of the negative commentary over their dishonest actions.
This time however, Bungie has no such leeway. There's enough Players extremely angry over Bungie's actions (or lack thereof), dishonesty with the XP gains, doubling the XP needed to attain a level as a response/fix, and over a whole host of issues that have been compounding on each other since Destiny 2's release (looking at you, pathetic 2 Primary system and outright -BORING- game loot), that anything less than an utter reversal of the failed steps-backwards that Bungie made from D1 to D2, will be met with a level of Player rage, that I'm not sure I've seen the like before.
And that's the crux of Bungie's flaw with the Blog-Post plan.
People will have written words to use in copy/paste rebuttals if this blog post falls in anyway short of fixing the very glaring flaws in Destiny 2.
There won't be the ability for them to say that their words were/are-being "misinterpreted". They won't be able to argue that their intentions are being "taken out of context".
They won't be able to say that Luke Smith "misspoke", or blame the following fiasco on his inability to speak without inserting both feet into his mouth.
And since they're going on seven-plus hours of writing and editing, they definitely won't be able to fall back on inter-office miscommunication if they don't address the myriad concerns and failures of Destiny 2, and the path that they've laid out for the game.
No, none of their tried-and-true methods of ignoring and deflecting Player ire/rage will be available to them after the blog post gets made.
As a community of Gamers, we may not be able to respond to Bungie in real-time with the method they've chosen to address the very serious issues, missteps, and blatant mismanagement of Destiny 2; but Bungie had better make this blog post with all of the seriousness that matches the sheer level of Player discontent.
Otherwise; I know myself and quite a few other Players who will have no issues with using their own words to damn them. And Bungie and Activi$ion will only have themselves to blame.
This guy is serious... you you that halo 2 emblem for his avatar.... he's been around