originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Ah. Here I am, following the mercenaries and travelers - except with my own band of travelers, I guess.
Though.. about the bow, if you don't mind."
[i]It was as if Orion was seeing whether Amanda would push him aside or not: at least he wanted to know if he was being.. well, annoying.[/i]
"What about it?" She cocked her head a bit, having a good deal of patience for people.
"Well.." [i]Orion walked beside her, hands on his hips as he sighed.[/i] "Can you tell me how you made it? It's.. incredible. Terrible in the wrong hands, but you're the first archer I've seen, least here."
"I didn't make it per say, it was designed by engineers and the like. The weapon is designed to multiply the force of the arrow and draw by storing tension in its compound frame. Not to mention, essentially only I can draw it, since the draw strength is impossible to pull back for normal people."
"Mm. Sorry for staring at it." [i]Orion would apologize, as he had been caught studying the weapon.[/i] "Just different, from all of the soldiers and mages that run around here. Unique, almost."
"I get that a lot." She shrugged then. "Its militarized bow, not anything normal. I've got all kinds of arrows and the like I can use for it as well."
"Explosive arrows? Those are pretty common." [i]Orion would guess, as he had used such arrows beforehand. Alongside some toxin arrows, too, and flaming ones (which to admit, weren't great).[/i]
"No, I have ones that explode in gravity waves, ones that freeze anything to far below 0°, ones that electrify... There's a few others, can't remember them off the top of my head."