9 days. 9 days I haven't been able to play destiny due to buffalo errors.
Yesterday I bought the game Steep. (Its on sale 50% off right now on Steam BTW)
Couldn't log in to Uplay to play the game. Contacted Ubisoft support.
Hmmm... this seems a lot like my Destiny problem. (can't login/networking problems).
Ubisoft recommends I disable all startup programs and non-Microsoft services.
I reboot. Uplay works.
Try reboot your system , it's working for me. Maybe a windows update who affected your network.
I have a buffalo for a month, seriously, i do not exaggerate. Month I can not go into the game, buffalo appears on the start screen. I already reconciled for a long time ago... Fix seemingly was, but for me it did not work. Sry for bad english
Edited by uniballer: 12/1/2017 2:58:30 AMThanks for explaining the obvious guys. Its called a hyperbolic statement - look it up. You can play semantics all you want - doesn't change the fact that Bungie failed to provide a solution, but Ubisoft had actual support representatives available to troubleshoot problems, and coincidentally, the service causing a problem with Uplay was also causing a problem with my Destiny instance. #DestinyFixed.
But they didn't fix destiny, they fixed your computer.
Edited by uniballer: 12/1/2017 3:10:01 AMJeez people, for 9 days I can't play Destiny and I just want to share my excitement that its fixed with you. (And point out that Ubi has helpful customer support, unlike Bungie) But instead ya'll gotta get snarky.
They didn't provide you a fix - they instructed you to remove a symptom. A fix would mean you found the specific culprit and corrected the problem there. Meaning you would be able to continue to using your computer without alteration. If you were to turn those startup processes and services back on, the problem would still be there. ie, not fixed.