originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][u]Roy VS False[/u][/b]
The second bracket fight Would begin as Nathanial appeared in the arena, with 13B spawning at the opposite end. They stood in the becoming familiar empty simulation arena. The slot machine would role again, and it show an image of a patch of ice would be shown. Then, their feet got cold as they both ended up on a massive piece of drifting ice, floating across and endless scape of cold, icy water. Out of the ground, stalagmites grew. They were large and would provide effective cover. There were a dozen in total on the ice patch the two stood on, which would stretch out a hundred feet in length and ninety in width. The stalagmites looked like they were made of ice, so that meant with enough force they could be broken.
Haakon would then speak.
This segment is THREE DAYS LONG.
-Follow ALL official dojo guidelines
-Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees.
-What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that.
-You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during.
-The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG.
-Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney.
-Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality.
-Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50.
-Have fun![/spoiler]
[b] [/b]
Without a moments delay, 13B prepared to attempt to sink her adversary side by carving the ice with her pod drone's high powered lasers.
[i]Raising a hand, icey spikes raised from the ground in front of 13B and propelled themselves upward into the drones. [/i]
[spoiler] Is he avoiding the fact she attepted to drown him? Just checking[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No, he's not. But I imagine it would take a bit for the actual ice to sink downward, so he's attacking while he can. [/spoiler]
13 broke off to the right to avoid damage to herself and her drones. The first drone vanished and another appeared sending out a volley of an energy based machine gun fire to keep pressure on her opponent.
[i]Nathaniel rolled to the side, drawing a blaster as he rolled and stopping on one knee. He fired off two rounds, several rounds hitting him and forcing him to move behind cover. [/i]
Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 12/6/2017 3:54:28 AMIt was hard to tell whether she got hit or managed to dodge the shots at the speed she was moving but at some point she must of disappeared behind a wall of ice. The cracks from her previous laser fire was growing wider and the mass she damaged made a sudden splash to ankles deep making for a very slick situation.
[i]Nathaniel moved out of cover, jumping the gap and skidding behind cover on 13B's side of the ice patch. Behind him, the patch he had previously been on drifted away, cutting the area down by half. [/i]
At 50×90, there was still a fair amount of room to move though close range situations could happen far more frequently. The fact the 13 was still possibility lurking behind a frozen barrier or moved behind another while Nathaniel was escaping death at the hands of the sinking chunk of ice was a very real possibility.
[i]Nathaniel was moving between the cover as well, so unless 13B had some sort of drone to detect him, both the fighters would have to reveal themselves for anything to happen. [/i]
After a few seconds, 13B returned out into the open. There was a small scorch mark on her dress seeming to hint she was buying time for her recovery system to repair some sort of the damage she encountered in the firefight. She still had the machine gun fire drone hovering above her which seemed to be projecting a ball of light. She had her Type 3 sword gripped in her hands while her halberd floated stationary on her back.
[i]Nathaniel jumped out of cover, firing two shots from his blasters before ducking back into cover and hiding behind the ice [/i]
The strange ball seemed to absorb the shot. She must have been using the small machines built in M Sheild to block ranged fire for a brief period. Now that she knew where her prey was she dashed ahead as a laser could be noticed melting a hole through the stalagtite cover from one of the other drones shots.
[i]Nathaniel spun out of cover, suddenly swinging his blade out toward 13B and firing off two rounds from the blaster in his opposite hand. [/i]
Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 12/7/2017 5:42:44 AMThe M shield gave her another ten seconds to close the gap which gave her plenty of time to get up close and personal to try and take a swing with her serrated edged blade as the took first initiative in close range combat.