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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/3/2017 12:34:05 AM
[b][u]Atom VS Orn[/u][/b] The second bracket fight Would begin as Dale appeared in the arena, with Vic spawning at the opposite end. They stood in the becoming familiar empty simulation arena. The slot machine would role again, and it show an image of a tiki head. Suddenly the ground beneath them became soft and sandy, and there was a nice warmth to the air. As they looked around, they saw that they stood on a beautiful beach. The waters tide flowed up to their feet as massive twelve foot tall tiki heads sprouted up all across the beach. Haakon would then speak. “SECOND BRACKET FIGHTERS! YOU MAY COMMENCE THE BLOODSHED...NOW!” [spoiler] This segment is THREE DAYS LONG. -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]

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  • [b][i][u]DAAAAAAAAAAAAALE[/u][/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]no shit posting dude [/spoiler]

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  • "...First a field. Now a.. beach?" [i]The armored figurine of Victoria stood quite a distance away from Dale, as she would practically shuffle her boots throughout the sand, before she planted herself firmly upon the beach, sighing. She would then begin to study this Dale, whom she had been pitted against in this second matchup.[/i] "I can't say that I've had luck, with these arenas at least."

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  • "Ha! Well don't get too down, I'm the one they gave a second chance to!" Her opponent stood at three inches over six feet, his face hidden behind a large steel suit. The back of it was slightly bolstered, but other than that it seemed to just be thick armor. Stop his forearms were ornately carved silver gauntlets that seemed to radiate power. A sub machine gun lay at his side, as well as an axe. The axe was double bladed, and rather thick. If needed, the flat side would make an excellent bludgeon. Dale flipped it in his hand before speaking again, his voice modified to be slightly less deep by the electronic speaker. "Say, man! What are you looking for here?" [spoiler]Want me to attack first? [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I'll go ahead and start.[/spoiler] [i]Heavy armoring, judging from the thickness of the plates. Victoria muttered quietly to herself as she allowed Dale to speak, reminding herself of his equipment, taking notice of the oddity that were the two silver gauntlets. Upon her own being, she had kept her holster to her Bolt Pistol strapped on, even as she would unstrap the weapon. On the other side of her waist was a sheathed gladius, and slung upon her back had appeared to be a large, heavy shield. She seemed built for endurance, if anything - though she wasn't a giant, instead shorter than her foe at five feet and nine inches.[/i] "Me? Stratagem." [i]She responded, before a single *BLAM!* rang out, a .50 caliber bullet rocketing towards Dale's chest. She wasn't as chill as one would think.[/i]

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  • Barely having time to react, he did if purely off the easing of his gun to pivot to his left. What might have pierced his armor head on, glanced off into the sunset behind him. That said, some of the steel was a tad ripped up where it had hit. He used his pivot to add force to the throw of his axe, which was so hard that a "boom" could be heard as the wind parted way- and sand kicked up in every direction. Not wanting to waste time, he hunched over, placing his forearms loosely in front of his head, and took a long curve in the sand screen to try and get at Vic's side with a light jab.

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  • [i]Utilizing Dale's height to her own advantage, Victoria would drop down, practically to her knees, the jab swinging past her head. It was initial reaction to drop down in such a haze, and she didn't need to get hit now, especially by a foe that she didn't know. Even with sand blocking her vision, the helm of which she bore was designed to assist in combative measures, the *boom* from the axe's throw additionally muffled so that it didn't bust her ears.[/i] [i]Dark ceramite armor now coated by sand, Victoria would push herself backwards, standing up and backing off from Dale as she simply returned her gaze to him. She sighed, attempting to figure out how to defeat the combatant. Melee could work, so could a few other options.[/i] [i]And meanwhile, she took to listening for his axe. If the weapon worked as a boomerang..[/i] [spoiler]Not gonna attack, I wanna work Dale down lul[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]For future reference, idk how tall Vic is but Dale is hunched over, nearly a foot lower than what he would normally be. [/spoiler] Dale would not give the chance to let up. He knew he was outclassed at range, so he'd have to keep close, probably aggressive. He boosted himself forward, electing to jab at Vic's stomach rather than her side.

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  • [spoiler]Damn, I didn't think that he dropped that he dropped down that low. Sorry. [/spoiler] [i]Victoria had to utilize Dale's sudden close range, as she would fire two .50 caliber rounds in an attempt to hit him as he went to punch her. If they hit, the bolts would penetrate and detonate within - a drastic, destructive thing.[/i] [i]Meanwhile, Victoria was sent flying back due to the punch, skidding on her feet and tripping, although she stopped herself by falling onto her knee. Dale's fist was probably busted a little, punching ceramite and all.[/i]

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  • Edited by Atom: 12/3/2017 11:24:03 PM
    [spoiler]Yeah no problem. [/spoiler] Luckily for Dale, his other raised forearm guard protected him from the actual bullets, plinking off it with a flash of silver light. Unlucky for him, the bullets exploded right after, knocking him upwards. He reared back, and pushed forward once more, raising up the SMG at his side, and fired at his opponent. The bullets were not large, but there were a lot, and going at a very fast rate. He would close in on Vic soon enough.

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  • [i]Victoria didn't have enough time to retrieve her shield, but she wouldn't need such a thing: she withdrew her gladius, the weapon suddenly igniting with a haze of blue energy as she held out the weapon. The submachine rounds that met the hazy blue energy would dissipate, while Victoria would aim underneath that and blast away at Dale's legs.[/i]

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  • Dale grimaced as the bullets hit the ground beneath him and exploded. He was blown away by the explosions, parts of the steel plating being chunked off by the force below him. One managed to get lodged in his leg's armor- feasibly he could not dodge a hail of bullets, and blew up, knocking him away on his back a few feet further. His leg was fine from the force of thin impact, but it was burnt and nearly unusable. "Damn..." (That doesn't get me forum banned does it lmao) Deciding he would use the same trick as the last fight, he picked up one of the parts from the blown up armor, aimed it at Vic and threw. One more a boom and sand screen went up, as the piece of armor flew her way. However, he used the sound to call his axe back! It came screeching through the air, Vic's helmet blocking out the noise of the boom (and axe- I presume) as it attempted to curve to Dale, and hit Victoria in the side with two tons of force.

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  • [i]While Victoria would rise up and be able to barely maneuver away, she couldn't dodge what she didn't see nor hear, as the axe ripped through the ceramite underneath, tearing through the black armor plating. Blood had begun to seep throughout the remains of armor, as Victoria cried out a little, grunting through the pain.[/i] "Dаmnit," [i]The woman would mutter through her helmet, rising up after a few moments. She had begun to back away, back towards the grass of the island. The sand was becoming a weakness.[/i]

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  • "Don't forget about me!" Dale reared his arm back, supporting himself in a sitting position. He quickly released his axe, spinning it side ways at her legs, so that it would cut off one with enough of its force. Using the sand screen once more, he reloaded his SMG and aimed it at the spot where the woman was, incase she was not hit.

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  • "How could I, sir?" [i]Victoria would respond through barred teeth, before she would suddenly swing upwards with her gladius. The result, as the blade met the axehead, would cleave the thing into two, the bladed portion skidding off to the side alongside the hilt.[/i] [i]Victoria merely brought her Bolt Pistol up again, remembering.. thirteen more shots, she believed. She waited on Dale to engage shooting, so that she could tell where he was.[/i]

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  • What Vic didn't know, was the axe, the legendary Wolfberg, was invulnerable. As Victoria brought the blade up, Dale changed the axe to its top weight- the weight of two battle tanks, before the Gladius smacked it. With the added weight, it would not be steered by the blade, and with its head aimed directly at Vic's legs, crashed into them with such force that it would crumple the armor- and possibly take off her legs.

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  • The axe was quickly split in two- and Dale spat out a curse. Considering it was his only viable weapon other than his fists, he needed it, badly. So there was only one thing to do. He called the axe back. Just because it was in two pieces did not mean it lost its powers. The axe parts came screaming back at Vic's legs just before they hit the ground behind her, with an equal force. However, Dale decided that wasn't enough, and took off his left gauntlet off, chucking it as he did the axe.

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  • [i]Victoria would cry out as she fell to the ground, bringing her head down as the gauntlet flew above her. Victoria would fire off two more rounds, towards Dale's chest. She needed this to hit.[/i]

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  • Dale raised his gauntlet too late, the bullets embedding themselves into the armor and almost into his chest. However, Dale still had a trick up his sleeve! His skin became tighter and harder in an instant, imagining the armor of his opponent. In seconds, his skin and bone had become Vic's armor's level of physical resistance, but twice over. It would stop the bullets from entering his chest, but he was still blown backwards, nearly into the water as the axe parts returned to his hand. His chest was a mess, burnt and shriveled, steaming with smoke and smelling of charred flesh. Dale bit his tongue, turning his now reloaded SMG to where Vic was on the ground.

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