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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/3/2017 4:34:06 PM
[b][i]A Well-Deserved Break[/i][/b] [b]Dojoville, 10:51 AM, Tatakai[/b] [i]The gunship screamed across the sky, both rotors turned forwards and down, giving the tiltrotor the appearance of a regular plane. Painted across its fuselage was the terrifying visage of the snaggletooth. The aircraft bore no insignia, but looked clearly heavily armed. A rotary cannon sat mounted in a swivel along with a gatling laser, and a machine gun could be seen on each side door, mounted on a pintle swing. From the aircraft came the loud blaring of some old Metallica song, and to anyone who recognized the Vertibird, it was the telltale sign of the arrival of a rather notorious individual. The gunship roared over the gates at low-altitude and moved to land in the streets of Dojoville, taking its rather usual spot beside a set of homes. It’s landing gear extended amidst the rotorwash of dust and snow as the aircraft gently set down and powered down. It was clearly the work of an experienced pilot. Once the gunship powered down, the individual exited from the side door, pushing the machine gun out of his way and dropping down with a mechanical thump. Alex Wilson stood in a full suit of X-01 MKVI Advanced Tesla Power Armor. His M2A1 sat atop his right shoulder, the skull of an alpha deathclaw atop his left. A large knife was situated in a leg holster on the inside of his left leg, and two large revolvers sat at his hips. Two belts of .50 BMG ammo crossed his chest, and on his back, beneath his Old World Flag cloak, an M240B, an IMI Galil, and a machete. On the rear of his waist, a sawback Bowie, and an M1911 in a shoulder holster. The helmet he wore was still spattered with blood, and the insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix graced his chest-plate. He had garnered some new trophies in his time, a ragged NCR flag that he was using as bandana, covering the lower half of his helmet. Another flag, a Civil War Confederate battle flag was wrapped around his upper left bicep. Approaching the house that was one down from his Vertibird, he knocked on the door, awaiting a response. He got one a few moments later, the door being opened by Miles.[/i] “Long time no see, kid. Actually, I’m surprised you’re alive given you’re with her.” [i]Wilson said with a laugh.[/i] “I assume you’re here because you and Jackson’s dad took care of the whole N*zi problem?” [i]Miles asked, smirk on his face.[/i] “Yeah. President’s dead, his little Himmler butt-buddy’s dead, and Wolfie’s dead... not Jackson, the other one.” [i]Wilson explained, having to clarify, not wanting Miles to think Jackson had been killed. Miles backed out of the doorway to let the armored juggernaut in, and Wilson promptly entered, wiping his armored boots on the doormat. Once inside, Miles closed the door and Wilson disengaged his armor, stepping out of it. Still an imposing figure, it was a little bit easier to get around indoors with just ranger gear. Tara had heard him come in, and came running down the stairs, looking as if she’d been trying to get cleaned up for the day, hair in a messy ponytail and her night clothes still on. A happy and relieved grin sat on her lips, and she rushed to hug Wilson, burying her face in his chest. He was rather surprised by the force of her hug, and as usual made fun of it.[/i] “Jesus, hug me any harder and you’ll break my f*ckin’ ribs, kid...” [i]He returned the hug, and held her close for a moment, thankful that she’d made it out of this mess unharmed. [/i] “It’s over?” [i]She asked, her voice muffled as she still was holding onto Wilson.[/i] “Yeah. F*ckin’ done. Gonna get things back to normal... at least for them, anyways. I figured I probably should check on y’all before Diana chews my ass out. God, I don’t need that bore-fest.” [i]Wilson remarked, rolling his eyes.[/i] [i]Miles chuckled from where he was, watching the two. It blew his mind how nice and sweet she became around Wilson. It wasn’t like Wilson was an exceptionally good parent by any standards, but perhaps he had been there for her in some dark times, and she’d returned his loyalty.[/i] “Yo anyone want food? I’m f*ckin’ dying for something that ain’t military rations or pop tarts...” [i]Wilson said, only half-jokingly.[/i] “Saves me from cooking breakfast.” [i]Tara remarked with a smile, finally breaking her hug with Wilson.[/i] “Saves me from having to eat her cooking.” [i]Miles remarked, to which Tara shot him the bird. Wilson grinned. The conflict amused him.[/i] “We get food in ten. Go get cleaned up ya f*ckin’ animals.” [i]He instructed, actually happy to see them instead of Jackson and Rose. Tara and Miles hadn’t yet gotten to the point in life where everything was worrying about this or that, and Wilson liked that a whole lot better. He wasn’t a worrying man. Having about a billion guns and knives helped that. Walking over to the couch, he sat down and waited for the two hellions to go get ready to go. He really wanted a burger.... and beer. Lots of beer. The ten minutes passed and both Miles and Tara were ready, and so the group set out again, after Wilson rearmed himself and got back into his armor. Walking down the streets towards the restaurants, the group probably looked rather amusing. Wilson stood tall and menacingly in his power armor, whereas Miles, being the shortest one, looked like the average teenager in a hoodie, jeans, and Vans, his armor folded up and on his back beneath the jacket. Tara wore her same black field jacket, jeans, and snakeskin boots that she usually wore, a scarf around her neck, her hair still in a ponytail. Her hands were stuffed in her pockets and she looked miserable in the cold.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • Alpha watched the three, having not heard anything. The goat was sitting with her back to the brick wall of a pub, stone-dead-drunk. She didn't even register the three, trying (and failing) to drink from the half-empty bottle in her hand. Occasionally she'd burst into tears, and Wilson could see the outline of a needle next to her, a sort of drug similar to his own Chems.

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  • [i]The first to notice her had not been Wilson, but rather Miles, who cut Wilson off and ran over to her, looking her over.[/i] “Alpha? Can you hear me? Hey? It’s Miles...” [i]He lightly slapped her cheek to see if she was even slightly with it. Wilson stopped, looking mildly confused, before realizing what was going on. Tara soon turned away from Wilson and walked to Alpha, standing behind Miles as he attempted to rouse Alpha.[/i]

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  • She looked up and laughed "Well I must....." She stopped, confused, trying to remember what she was saying. She was an animal, and a magical being to boot. Alcohol probably had some weird effects on her. "..Be in hell." Her words were so slurred it was hard to make them out. "I thought the n@zi's killed you."

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  • “No... no... we’re fine... we left Amoridia... Jackson and Diana wanted us to go.” [i]He replied, before trying to help her up. Tara quickly stopped him, and nudged him out of the way.[/i] “Alpha? Can you move?” [i]She asked, voice quiet and caring. Tara had been in the position Alpha had been in before, and she knew how miserable that was. Alpha needed help, and by help, she needed someone to help get her to realize she didn’t need the drinks and the drugs.[/i] “You’re gonna get sick out here, ok? We need to get you inside.”

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  • "Who cares?" She said with a hysterical laugh "I'm a fcking animal to everyone who sees me. People don't care." She took a swig, though her shaky hands caused her action to spill it all down her front. "Tell Diana I said hey." Alpha said, looking down at the needle and shakily trying to use it. On the duct-tape on the side, it read "CLEANSER"

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  • “I care, otherwise I wouldn’t be here talking to you.” [i]Tara replied, holding back her typical smart-assed tone, which took less than she thought it would, but then again, she knew what it was like to be where Alpha was.[/i] “You’re gonna get sick out here, and besides, you’re wasting your supply.” [i]Tara said, slowly extending her hand and gently placing it on Alpha’s hand, the one which shakily held the bottle. Miles stood watching Tara in total shock, as did Wilson, both a little too stunned to speak.[/i]

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  • She stopped, and used the needle. At which point Alpha's skin flushed a darker shade of red and she whimpered to herself as the medicine cleared his system. She then looked to Tara with (pained) sober eyes. "Why do you care, Tara? I thought you'd be the one right with Wilson pointing and laughing." There was genuine shock and confusion.

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  • “Because I tried drinking and it nearly killed me.” [i]She said, almost a whisper. Something told Alpha she was dead serious. Tara didn’t elaborate about what had happened, she didn’t want to. The message was clear.[/i]

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  • Alpha just nodded, and got up. Then fell on her ass as her body tried compensating for the random changes. "Gotcha....-blam!-...." She muttered, holding the side of her head

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  • “You’re alright...” [i]Tara said with a sigh, offering a hand to Alpha.[/i] “I ain’t payin’ for the goat.” [i]Wilson remarked from behind, crossing his arms.[/i] “I’m not asking you to. I just don’t want her to die out here in the cold. On second thought, she probably needs to get home.” [i]Tara replied.[/i]

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  • "If by home..." She grunts as she takes Tara's hand. "You mean the ship I parked to a slightly larger ship...yeah..." She said, wiping off her hands on her jeans. "...thanks."

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  • “You get what I mean.” [i]She said, sounding more tired than anything else.[/i] “Get lunch, I’ll meet up with you guys later.” [i]Tara said to Wilson and Miles, only getting a response from Wilson.[/i] “Yo don’t let that goat try to kill you. She’s nuts... and as much as I want to kill her, she and I got someone we both want dead, soooo... yeah.” [i]Wilson said with a shrug, before heading into the restaurant with Miles. Tara sighed and let Alpha take the lead.[/i]

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  • "-blam!- him." She muttered as she walked away from Wilson and Miles. "One of these days, the people he turns his nose up on will get him."

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  • [i]Tara stayed silent, biting her tongue for the time being. She really was trying not to go off on Alpha. While she agreed that Wilson was indeed arrogant, she did not want him dead in the least. The man had been her father figure, and he’d been there for her when others weren’t. Her silence lasted a few moments before she spoke, controlling her anger surprisingly well.[/i] “If he treated the rest of the world like he treated me, you’d think differently.”

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  • "He treated you decently?" She looked back "Either you're full of shit or the most charming person ever. What did you do?"

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  • “If I was lying, I wouldn’t be here. He’d have shot me and left me to die outside of the Strip.” [i]She said, deadly serious. It appeared, though, that she was not going to elaborate further, at least not so openly and willingly.[/i]

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  • "Hm. Guess you're right." She said, continuing to walk. "You seem a lot more decent than I thought you'd be given how you normally treat Miles."

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  • “He’s an ass.” [i]There was a bit of a blush to her cheeks, despite the obvious anger in her voice. In reality, Miles had become her little brother. She protected him with all she had, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t her personal punching bag. Tara wasn’t exactly great at the whole big sister thing; she tended to let her own anger take control. [/i] “ You were drunk and needed help. I’m not letting you just lay out in the cold and die... and you reminded me of myself... and I couldn’t ignore it.”

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  • "Well, thanks. Even if it was a guilt-trip." She said. "Though I'm probably just gonna get drunk in there anyway." Alpha muttered that part to herself. She meant it, too. After what happened, she had felt little reason to want to actively participate in anything. Returning to Amoridia was the least of her worries. Alpha had no doubt Diana would probably go from loving to screaming-hating in a second if she knew. "Do you really wanna go back to Amoridia?"

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  • “I’m gonna tell you something serious, and I know you’ve heard it before but I’m still gonna say it.” [i]Tara said, composing herself as best she could.[/i] “That drinking is going to hurt you. You’re going to turn into someone you aren’t and you’re going to hurt someone or yourself more. You can’t use it as a crutch.” [i]Her voice took on a slightly angry and yet experienced tone.[/i] “Something really bad happened to me a while ago... and I fell into getting drunk and passing out, night after night after night and it [i][b]did not[/b][/i] make the pain go away. Every time I woke up it [i][b]kept coming back.[/b][/i] Every... single... f*cking... time.” [i]Tara looked and sounded as if she was barely holding herself together, a very slight tremor taking hold of her body. Staring off into the distance, she’d not answered Alpha’s question.[/i]

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  • "Does it matter?" Alpha stopped, sighing and looking down "I've been in pain for most of my life. What's a litte more? Doesn't hurt so much when you're drunk." She clenched her hands tightly. "I wake up every morning with the weight of my sins and pain pressing down on me. I wake up with pain not even mine, floating in my memories." Alpha resumed walking "People try to help. People don't. It never worked." She stopped once they were within sight of a small fighter next to a larger cruiser. "I didn't pick up the drink until recently. Unlike you, I don't have the buddies to afford a luxury like sobriety."

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  • “It isn’t a luxury.” [i]She shot back sharply.[/i] “People can’t help either.” [i]She said with a sigh.[/i] “I just didn’t want you to die on the side of the road in some hellhole.” [i]Tara wasn’t comfortable enough to really say what she wanted to, so she again put out a more hostile attitude.[/i]

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  • "It IS a luxury and you know it. If I could help it, I wouldn't be trying to kill myself with booze." She shot back "You probably just feel guilty about it" Alpha could be pretty abrasive as well.

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  • “I don’t feel guilty. I didn’t do a God damn thing to you but try and help you get out of the snow and cold before you catch something and die choking on your own f*ckin’ snot in the street!” [i]Tara shot back.[/i] “Do you think I like dealing with Miles? Do you think I want all of their help all of time? Hell I’d be grateful if they’d leave me alone!” [i]She growled, clearly upset.[/i]

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  • "You're lucky to have help!" She growled "You're lucky to have people who care! I don't have anyone! I'm the assend of every witch-hunt on every planet!" "Do you think I like dealing with this?" She gestured to her body "You're lucky to even be human."

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