originally posted in:The New Dojo
“Oh, they didn’t agree on that. I had to figure it all out by myself. But now, I know exactly what must be right and wrong. I have to judge each situation and decide if it is worth punishing for. It is... Complicated, to say the least.”
He nodded, understanding. "Yeeeaaah....Sorta sucks that people can be forced to atone depending on whether or not your morals find anything wrong with what they've done. Though, how can you really decide if you should punish someone for something? I mean, what's really right and what's wrong? There's no simple good and evil. It's a lot of grey goo..."
“Everyone must atone for their wrongs, even if they believe they are in the right and have done the right thing. Killing one to save thousands still comes with its own price-tag. You still took a man’s life. If you steal something for your ailing child, you still stole something. You could’ve sought help, but instead you stole out of stubbornness or ignorance. Wrong and right are not black and white, but atonement is. I simply make them feel what they’ve done to others.”
"I don't think that's completely right. What if someone had everything taken from them by a group of people and that person stole something back?"
“That is not stealing. That is taking back what is yours, very different things. I had to learn right and wrong on my own, from those around me. I have seen many, I know what is right and what is wrong.”
"Oh okay. I'm just wondering. May I ask why you show such little emotion? Kinda freaks me out, no offense."
“I was not given emotion when I was created. It was either forgotten about, or not needed. I do not know which. I lean towards the latter. You do not need emotion to judge.”
"No, but emotions are nice to have in my opinion. You seem to think otherwise though...." He sighed. "Kinda sad how some gods just poof up people like you."
“I wouldn’t know if emotions are nice to have. I’ve never had any. It would be possible to give me emotions if another god gives the acceptance, but I have yet to meet one since they made me... Guess you could say I’m a tad bit lonely. Everyone hates me because I’m forced to make them atone.”
"Aw. Don't be lonely. We can hangout. Maybe you'll find a god here since it's like a god magnet here."
“Well, I haven’t sensed one yet, so I’m doubtful. There’s traces, but none remain here. All have left or died. I do not know what this means, hopefully that they may one day come back.”
Bedlam sighed. "There are demi-gods here if that's close enough."
“Those are halflings, unable to access the realm of a god. They do not even come close to counting at all. That’s like comparing a lion to a cat that looks like a lion.”
He shrugged and chuckled lightly. "Well, that's about as close as I can give you since my one friend is a demi."
“Well... If you ever get into contact with a god, let me know. I might need to have a little talk with one about my... Situation.”
"I'll let you know....it's unlikely, but I'll try." He chuckled, beginning to walk away.
“Good luck in any future endeavors. I must stay here with the Vampire Hunter until it stops.”
"Bye." [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]