"It's the multiverse... Anything can happen." Nathaniel grumbled to her, looking at Sarah now. [spoiler]Debating on introducing Emilia... [/spoiler]
"Yeah. But it seriously makes you wonder, ya know?" Sarah noted. "Well, this is the most awkward day of my life," David spoke.
[spoiler]Should I introduce her now or later you think? [/spoiler] "HEY, there's always a way this cam get more awkward, ya know?"
[spoiler]Now. I want it to happen.[/spoiler] "It could be worse," She replied. David looked bored. He looked to Amethyst, "Can you get me a discus?" "Sure." Then, in his hands was a metal 12 pound discus that was a 30cm wide. Faced away from the two, preparing to throw it.
Unfortunately, for the group of them, it could get worse. Awkwardly worse. Over head, a dimensional rift was torn open in the sky and a large ship flew over the heads of Nathaniel, Sarah and David. It was large and blocky, with a small gunship departing from its hangar and flying downward, toward the gates of the dojo. "You guys wanna go meet the new arrivals?" Nathaniel asked excitedly, already on his way.
"What. The. Hell?" Sarah asked. "We better go find out...." David noted.
As the trip approached the ship, Mandalorians were filing out and walking toward the village. Nathaniel looked at them, obviously suprised by their Armour. "What the..." He said, moving toward the ramp of the gunship. He was stopped by two Mandos. "Commander Grey, got a Mandalorian and some guardians here." One of them reported, followed by movement. "Let em in." A female voice said, Nathaniel wearily looking over his shoulder. He stepped up onto the ramp and boarded the ship.
Edited by Splashback77: 9/16/2018 10:58:05 PM"WAIT? Did they just say... Commander Grey?" Sarah asked. "Why?" David asked. "That's my last name," she told him. "I know."
"Well we're about to..." "Mom?!" The voice of a young, rather beautiful [url=https://imgur.com/Py0T8rC]woman[/url] suddenly exclaimed from inside the ship. She was standing at a table, projecting a holographic image of Takatai atop it. "... DAD?" The woman ran around the table, crashing into Nathaniel with a hug before moving Toward Sarah. "Wait... What?" Nathaniel asked, clearly confused as the woman embraced Sarah.
[spoiler]WHAT THE F*CK?! Like.... THE F*CK![/spoiler]
[spoiler]You okay? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Splash and I are in VC and...it's just funny, man.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]What's going on? LMAO[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Just laughing at her inability to get away from the past and all these convoluted timelines.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah... She's being forced to take so much shit [/spoiler]
[spoiler]I think Bedlam may just curl up on the ground and just give up lmfao[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Might as well at this point [/spoiler]
[spoiler]....But he's too determined at this point.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'm watching you....[/spoiler] [spoiler]...better not steal her lol[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nathaniel doesn't care for her that way [/spoiler] [spoiler]Not anymore [/spoiler]
"What. The. F**k?" Sarah asked, confused. David cracked up in the background. "It's all over again. But now you're both confused! This is the funniest thing ever. Of all time." "Ah, shutup Wash," she muttered.
"Dad... I thought you were... Gone... Mom! Where the hell have you been?!" The woman asked, looking between the two. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Nathaniel asked calmly, trying to keep his voice level. "Emilia Grey, of course!" The woman - Emilia - rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Daughter of Sarah and Nathaniel Grey!" "My... My name isn't Nathaniel Grey. It's just Nathaniel. I don't have a last name.." "Of course you do! You took up mom's name when you got married!" The woman's smile faltered for a moment... Then disappeared..
"Welcome to the club!" David yelled. "What. The. That's the second time today that's happened. First a kid from a timeline where Finn was alive. Now from a timeline from where we're married," she told Nathaniel.
"It only makes sense, to be fair. Why would only one of us be haunted, when both of us could be?" Nathaniel asked with a mock laugh, staring at the woman. "Though, I must admit. She has your looks in a way. She has my hair..." "You're telling me you aren't married? And that this..." She pointed to David. "Is my half brother?" Her voice had lost its cheer, instead being cold and devoid of emotion. She certainly got her tactically from the two.
Edited by Splashback77: 12/27/2017 9:58:35 AM"If everything was fine and dandy, that would be correct. But, we're all from different timelines. David, the Titan is from one timeline. Nathaniel and Sarah are from the a different timeline than David. And you're from a different timeline than the first two mentioned," Lunar explained. "I can't bear to think of who is going to show up next," Sarah muttered.
"..." Emilia fell silent, and Nathaniel put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "So... We'll just be going... Welcome to the dojo..." He said awkwardly, looking to Sarah and nodding for her to leave if she chose.