So in Destiny, i have all three characters. A Warlock, A Hunter, and a Titan. All three of them are Awoken Females because i like the Awoken race and the female character model makes all three classes look amazing. Continuing on that, I like to consider that the three of them are sisters and they work together in their own fire team of making a perfect team.
My Titan is named Emma Brahms. She is the leader of the group because my titan is my main. She's very intelligent, loves learning, is courageous and has all those classic leader characteristics. My Hunter is Iris Brahms. She is calm, level-headed, and is very "for nature." Also the oldest of the group. My Warlock is named Sophia Brahms. She is wild, crazy, and super determined. She doesn't take no for an answer, and also is the youngest.
The three of them work super well together and have completed every challenge thrown at them. They may disagree on several things, but can agree they have a job to stop whatever threat threatens the light.
I have yet to come up with a Fireteam name for them, but it'll come to me eventually. This might just be me, and its completely useless to anything, but its a neat thing I've done. Anybody else do this or consider that our guardians may actually have lives and lore besides being killing machines?
I like to pretend my Awoken Warlock is the Fenchurch Tess is always talking about.