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12/7/2017 2:39:40 PM

Bungie, You're Doing It All Wrong... Feedback from a long time player.

Typically I start this off by saying I've been here since the first alpha, through the entirety of D1, through thick and thin. D1 at the end of it's life was the pinnacle of the game, and at that point people saw what was possible, what Bungie was capable of... D2 changed all of that. Bungie... Activision... You're doing it all wrong with D2, all of it. I have a hard time believing that Bungie, such a talented studio could miss such obvious things in a game like Destiny. You have so many examples to go by, so much feedback, so much direction, but you choose not to improve your game based on these things and it's suffering for it. Destiny 2 as it is now, should be a free to play game. You have so many things put behind a paywall now with eververse that charging full price for your game isn't justified or fair to your playerbase. It's a slap in the face to the players who have been so loyal. If the games not going to be free to play, then the DLC like CoO, should be. Isn't that what eververse was for in the first place? At least that's the excuse I remember Bungie giving. Even things like prestige raid/nightfall and even heroic strikes are now behind the DLC paywall. Why? The majority of content in those activities are still vanilla content. So we're essentially just paying you money to up the power cap, because the DLC clearly isn't worth the price you're asking. I know this kind of post doesn't change anything and won't, but with all the backlash I'm seeing in games lately, I'm hoping that things will change... Games use to be about having fun, not about how much money you can get out of people. I mean, I guess it's just another crappy business now, games are slot machines. Maybe you should take notes from games like Warframe, Guild Wars 2, hell even The Division is doing more for it's players. All of this is just getting exhausting. I want to like Destiny, I really do, it has so much going for it. And it was such an easy win for Bungie, all they had to do was make the game the way the players imagined it to be. Make a good game and people will buy it and play it, even a free to play game, people will buy things just because they feel like the devs care and they want to support that and help it grow. I don't think there are many people that have this feeling with Destiny anymore. We wanted to see it grow, succeed and become the best it could be... But for some reason the game went the way of limiting players and trying to push microtransactions and locking things behind paywalls. It's such a weird thing to try and do, to make money by punishing players instead of making money by making good will with the players. I'm just ranting now, I'm not even really mad or anything, just disappointed that this is where Bungie/Activision decided this is where they wanted to take Destiny. Microtransactions, loot boxes... it's killing gaming. Games used to be an art form, now they're just the new slot machine.

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