because transgender isnt a gender? i dont see the logic behind this post.
Oh right, I see what you meant. The wording made it sound more like you were asking if he thinks it isn't in a negative way, like saying "Because bacon isn't good?" to someone who thinks that bacon isn't good. Completely different example, but you get what I mean.
It isn't a gender. What are you smoking?
Boy and girl are genders. transgender is an adjective.
[quote]Boy and girl are genders. transgender is an adjective.[/quote] Boy and girl are actually nouns. Male and female are genders and technically also adjectives.
Male and female are sexes. Boy and girl/man and woman are genders.
So in answer to your question, no, it's not a gender.
Thats what i said
That is 100% not what you said. Now you just look like and idiot.