Today is the sixth attempt at me purchasing silver on Xbox marketplace for Destiny 2 and the sixth time I have not gotten it. After spending several hours on the phone with Microsoft it was concluded that I am not getting licenses from Bungie. Please fix this as I really like the game and want to be able to purchase in game content. This is extremely disappointing and frustrating.
Hello, sorry to see you're having issues with purchasing Silver. Please read through the guided support [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13657]located in the Eververse Support page[/url], [spoiler] Confirm Silver Purchased for Intended Destiny Release As a first troubleshooting step, players should review their platform purchase to ensure that their purchased Silver was for the intended Destiny release. Review the name of the Silver add-on purchased on the platform transaction history or receipt. Destiny 2 Silver bundles are labeled "Destiny 2 Silver", while Destiny 1 Silver bundles are labeled "Destiny Silver". Log into the purchasing account on both Destiny 2 and Destiny 1 to check the account's Silver balance in-game. If the above troubleshooting steps confirmed that the Silver was purchased for the wrong Destiny release, please note the following: An account's Silver balance is not shared across Destiny releases. Silver is bound to the Destiny and account and Destiny release for which it was purchased and cannot be transferred to another account or Destiny release. All Silver purchases are final and cannot be refunded by Bungie or the platform marketplace. [/spoiler] if none of the suggestions work for you then please fill out the contact form located at the bottom and fill out the requested information. The form can only be accessed via browser.