Welcome to Eliksni Grammar 101, where you'll learn how to talk in secret to friend and foe alike. Featuring 87 words, ranging from nouns to adverbs.
This project to unravel the mysteries of the Fallen language has been in progress since the release of the House of Wolves DLC, and boy has it been a [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/122860874]long and hard journey[/url], but I'm very satisfied with where it is at the moment.
It's probably wisest not to take Variks too literally; he likes to ad-lib here and there. I've taken a degree of liberty with the words not directly translated by Variks in the game, by essentially working on a very long, very difficult crossword puzzle. While it's unlikely to be perfect, nor 100% accurate, I think it's as good as we'll get until Variks decides to feed us some more varied translations! Here's hoping for Destiny 2!
I'm told that we have a department of Bungie known as the "FishTank" to thank for the Eliksni language existing at all. I know those dudes are the ones that make the ViDocs and various other neat content, so if it was indeed them that developed the Fallen language, thanks for giving me something to do other than grinding for max grimoire for the last 3 years!
If you enjoyed this, please let me know! If this is useful for you, I'd love to hear about what you plan to use it for. Whether it's for creative works or for absolute pure banter.
Also, be sure to stay tuned to the [url=http://errata.ishtar-collective.net/]Ishtar Collective's blog, the Errata[/url]. I've been graciously invited to write a blog post to give you guys a deeper insight into my process and notes from transcribing each word. I'm excited to get started on that. Until then, I'd be happy to answer any questions!
Hi there! What you said about the language being made up of small words that are used to make bigger ones got me thinking. What if the term the Fallen use to refer to themselves, "Eliksni," is actually a compound word with a lot of meaning? I looked into it, and unfortunately, if it is so, we don't have a lot of the words that it's actually made of. But with a little creative liberty, I can make an educated guess. All the fallen words generally start with a consonant, followed by a vowel. Then, there may be a letter after it, depending on whether or not it's a adverb, noun, etc. However, I believe that the first letter, "E", is probably the word "the." "Eliksni" is unusual, because it has three consonants in a row: "ksn." However, if we account for words etymology, a vowel in the middle may have been dropped - perhaps Bungie thought it sounded better that way. Therefor, I posit that the "ks" is a shortened form of "kis," "force." "Ni," again has no translation, but it may be related to "ne," "self." This may mean that it is a word referring to the Fallen, ("themselves, us," etc). "Li" has no translation, and nothing really looks like it in the few words you were able to translate. However, since Eliksni is referring to the Fallen, I would tentatively guess that it means something like "people." Put that all together, and we get, "the people force themselves." This is probably more accurately translated as, "the people who themselves use force," or, "the people themselves who are force (perhaps in this context more accurately translated as "strength)," or something along those lines. Anyways, there's a fair amount of conjecture in here, but I think I may have gotten it close as we're able to right now. Love to know what you think!