I've played Marathon, loved the first one (and it's music), adored the second one but was upset at the lack of great music, still haven't finished the third one as it is confusing with its abstract level design.
I've played your Halo games, Didn't mind CE, loved Halo 2, played 3 to death, enjoyed ODST, unconditionally loved Reach (until 343 took over released TU and broke MP for months, GG 343)
I've played through Destiny 1, started in the beta which was ok, got vanilla and enjoyed it for what it was (Thorn was my first exotic, god that blew), got shafted by The Dark Below because I didn't buy it (but I played on anyway), I bought House of Wolves and enjoyed PoE at least, got totally shafted by The Taken King on launch because it locked me out of endgame and quit for a while, came back to Destiny with TTK on Xbox One and loved it, left at Rise of Iron to avoid being shafted again.
Now we come to Destiny 2, I played a lot of Destiny 2 and I actually liked it a lot. In some stupid idea in my head I thought Destiny 2 wouldn't go down like Destiny 1 did, I thought they wouldn't shaft vanilla players again by removing content from us but with the Curse of Osiris I see I was wrong to have that good faith in my misplaced servitude to Bungie.
I'm leaving Destiny and not coming back this time, anyone else doing the same?
I'm just glad I payed for Destiny 2 with vouchers and didn't spend any actual money on it thist time.
Hahahaha. Another pathetic resignation letter to a friggin video game. Do you guys think the people that do this ever reflect on what they just wrote and realize how stupid it is?