BoF Pathfinders
What does it mean to be a Pathfinder? It means you are the first in, the first to lead. It means that you strive to be the best but more importantly it means you turn, extend your hand and help the others follow.
Band of Fathers is a multi clan group that is looking for more members. This time around we are looking for mentors. This means we are looking for raiders and trials players. We are looking for skilled endgame players that are also willing to help the larger group. Not to carry them but to teach them.
Our guys want to raid but have have had trouble finding consistent groups. So we have decided to better organize our experinced raiders to lift up the group as a whole. We also understand that PvP players are looking for a large group of PvP players and we aim to deliver. We want Pathfinders in PvP as well. Our guys also want to play PvP but we need more consistent interest in it on our LFG. Which brings me to the Band app.
We have been somewhat casual about this in the past but with this group you will need to be actively involved in the Band app. The reason is you are the Pathfinders for the group, the whole group. In order for us to organize group wide you will need to use the Band app for LFG, giving a hand and scheduling raids. Don't worry you will have help.
Not only will you have the Pathfinders, you will have a select few (to start) from every group. This way we are spreading the knowledge but also getting clan engrams until we all can hold our own. But remember, raiders, it doesn't stop there. When new PvE endgame content drops you will need to brave the unknown all over again in order to Find the Path through the darkness. (see what I did there😉)
So if you love to raid or play trials and want to be involved in a social active group but most importantly want to be The Pathfinder consider joining us. You won't regret it and we really appreciate it.
While some say Destiny 2 has no content we believe the community is the content. We play for ourselves, we play for each other.
**4 raid completions and/or
**4 trials wins or 2 flawless
**must be willing to mentor
**we are Band of Fathers, so 18+
**active, this is relative but communication with admins is an absolute must
**☝️☝️no exceptions☝️☝️**
Contact Pfr33_ , Forteshow, FREAKYFRI, Puni_B808, Smoke81ks or Red_Mosquito the raid team from The Pathfinders
Or myself, Recruiter and founder BoF V
We will be checking stats. If you do not have that kind of experience but would like to join we have spots in our other groups.