Right because all the little guy phone companies wouldn't exist with Title II classification! Oh wait.... Giving ISP's the ability to charge for content provider access is positively competitive. It will of course force companies like Netflix to raise prices. Which will make room for the little guy content provider to make money with a cheaper service since they don't deliver as much simultaneous content. Which will put downward pressure on Netflix price as they attempt to retain market share. It will also create the opportunity for the larger ISP'S to lease or charge smaller ISP's bandwidth to deliver internet service. Remember southwestern? How about Bell or MCI? I bet some of the older among us remember others. Let's not forget it was government regulation that forced industry mergers for telecoms thus creating the footprint of the Comcasts, Verizons, and ATT'S. The internet is the most free, ungoverned, anarchist concept ever to be developed and most of you are demanding a government entity restrict it. THAT should be what outrages everyone.