originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][i]Tonight at 11:00pm, THE DR.MALCOLM SHOW![/i][/b]
The T.V’s all across dojoville would be broadcasting the very first television episode made by their very Home. On it, a therapist would talk to a group of the Dojo’s ever increasing roster of edge lords, fedora tippers, and PTSD driven psychos.
The show would come on air, and would start on an older looking man’s face. He had greasy skin that shined from
The stage lights, along with a grey Sanchez ‘stash that would perfectly fit between his quaint little nose and pursed red lips. His eyes were wide, welcoming in a weird way, and hazel, while his nearly bald head had stubbles of grey across the sides of his skull.
He would smile at the camera, adjusting his bow tie before speaking.
“Well hello there everyone, my name is Dr.Malcolm, and welcome to the Dr.Malcolm show.” He spoke with a soothing southern drawl. The live audience would clap as the camera panned out to view the circle of dojo warriors sat amongst, before it zoomed back in his face. “Today for our very first pilot episode, we have a special treat. Some of the worlds mightiest protectors join us, and together, we can get over our difficulties, in order to live livelier and healthier lives.
So, why don’t our guests introduce themselves, and why they’re here, hmmm?”
[spoiler]Open for all! Introduce yourselves![/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Cyan, a beautiful young looking woman with chestnut brown hair, raised her hand in a greeting sort of fashion, sort of like waving hello* Well, good afternoon, Dr. Malcom. I am Cyan Arsiten, pleasure to be here. -
[spoiler]”Life, uh, life finds a way.”[/spoiler]
Sarah seemed nervous, "Err? Pilot episode?" She looked rather uncomfortable in her usual Iron Breed Vestiments. Her bronze hair was flowing down her shoulders like a waterfall. Her hazel eyes scanned the room. Sarah was apparently an edgelord. Well, she did know a paticuluarly powerful Hive Incantation. She stuttered, "H-hi, I'm Sarah G-grey."
“Welcome here, Ms. Grey. Now tell us, what brought you here this evening?” Malcolm would ask her with his unnaturally calming voice.
She shuddered. This was probably on live television. She was silent for a few minutes. She was scared, "Why I'm here?" Sarah was speechless, until she admitted, "I don't know what to do..."
“What do you mean by that, Ms Grey?” He asked her with his collected voice.
"I need, a sense of purpose. A direction," she waa being truthful, "I've trapped myself into a cycle of grief and despair over Finn's death." She fell silent, again, remembering her dead husband, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "I told myself I wouldn't end up like James.... but I can't escape."
The doctor was quiet, giving her a moment before speaking. “Finn...was he your husband?”
She nodded, as she began to sob. Her tears started to pour down her cheeks like waterfalls.
“Ah, it’s a tragedy to lose a loved one. But....would he want you to be punishing yourself so?”
She shook her head. "N-no."
“So you’ve come to that realization, yet you still allow his death to effect you. This is natural, but it is also a great first step towards progress.”
She nodded. "I see..."
“Now, you spoke of a man named James, who is he to you?”
"Dead to me. Dead for real. And a mistake to learn from."
“Ah, Interesting....Interesting. What was your relationship to the man, before his...expiration date?”
"I hated him."
“Errr...yes, but what has he done to deserve such hate?”
"He stabbed me... on multiple occasions."
“Well that would do it.” Malcolm would say. “Anywho, you’ve taken the first steps to overcoming your grief. For now, we’ll move on to our next guest!”
Alpha was sitting there, tapping her boot on the ground as she sat. "Alpha. I'm Alpha. I honestly don't know why I was here." She said, the fact that cameras being present made her hair stand on end, making her look like a fluffball of white
She thought she heard a few “aweeee’s!” In the audience, but they were quickly interrupted by the doctor. “Well, Alpha, I suppose that’s one of life’s great mysteries. What brings us to the places we visit, really? But I think I have the answer... You’re here, because you have a problem, and want to get over it. See, a problem is like a wall, and I’ve got a rope. All you gotta do is climb it to freedom.”
"I didn't know there'd be cameras." She said, uncharacteristically shyly. The girl was seemingly pressing against the back of her seat in an attempt to hide from the looks and cameras from the audience and crew. Alpha actually looked scared, something that only happened when she was being tortured usually
Edited by Inflatablepants: 12/16/2017 5:28:09 AM“Ah, don’t worry about it one bit Ms.Alpha. See, as soon as you start laying your difficulties bare, for the world to see, is a difficult but astounding first task in overcoming the darkness that will continue to fall down on you unless you seek help.”
"Look Dr. Phil, I'm not doing this with cameras. I've been stabbed, shot, tortured, hunted. I'm done with it all." She said, a note of pleading entering her voice