Without Bungie providing the percentage increase of chance for an exotic to drop, how do we know if ToC does anything at all?
We can’t rely on Bungie’s veracity here either. Think, first they throttled experience gain without telling us but allowed us to buy fire team medallions that would have been pointless if you were being throttled. Then they “fixed” the issue of throttling xp gain but then DOUBLED the amount of xp needed to level up without telling a soul.
Based on that track record, what’s keeping them from releasing ToC as a placebo for us to burn through the thousands of shards we have? How does one prove that random drops have increased when said drops are RANDOM?!?
[b]UPDATE:[/b] So after reading many of your comments it seems as if ToC is in fact BUGGED and REDUCES your chance of gaining exotics when activated. My recommendation is to avoid using ToC at all costs if you value getting exotic drops.
Bungie is now on Christmas break so it’s doubtful we will hear anything on this issue nor will it be resolved any time soon.
Here is a link to Kackis speaking on the issue as well: https://youtu.be/m7efJD5jImE
[b]UPDATE 2:[/b] Bungie is officially looking into the ToC matter: https://twitter.com/DeeJ_BNG/status/942446254260236288?s=17
[i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]
I’d rather get coal for Christmas.
Edited by R3_MlX_3D: 12/18/2017 10:26:35 AM
[i][quote]Is Three of Coins simply a placebo? (Bungie Official Tweet)[/quote][/i] Several Comments: 1) I purchased two, used them both this weekend, and didn't really notice a difference. I had two total drop, which is about what I get without using it. I don't think I'll purchase more since while they may increase the drop rate, it may be by such a low percentage that you realistically can't tell (say an increase of 0.04% ha ha). 2) I think adding 3oC was a bad call on Bungie's part. I loved them in Destiny 1, and that's the problem. They were very effective and allowed players a major source of infusion fuel. Pretty much this version of 3oC was doomed to fail from the start on a comparative/relative basis alone. With the whole XP mess, Bungie will probably be asked to be more transparent about the benefit of such items as well, which may lead to more player scorn if the increase is pathetically low. 3) There are only a handful of new guns and armor in CoO. Most serious players have the new items already, and with the code supposedly bringing less duplicates and Xur helping on the duplicates, it just seems like 3oC wasn't necessary in the first place.
Bungie is lucky their CEO is so relaxed about modifying code and introduction features that don't work If I was the CEO and the dev team would tell me they are introducing 3oC I would invite 5-6 of the team to 4 hour meeting: I would provide 1 projector, 1 PC and snacks, pizza, chips, pop drinks I would say "If your confident your 3oC works, you better not eat the food because your team has 4 hours to produce exotics, else your team pays for the lunch" :-)
So far haves used 3 three of coins over 2 days and one exotic in 12hrs hours. So did they like drop the exotic drop rate? Then the 3 of coins take it back up to what it was originally? Like another XP scam just to see if we found it again?
played for a full 4 hours doing pubs and strikes and got 0 exotics. next day the first strike i did gave an exotic. trash offer
Bet both your arms, if it was an eververse item it would have been fixed and perfectly working within MINUTES. What a company of buffons 🤣
Bungie responded. Look at that, this communication pledge is paying off
Why don’t they just release the game as early access and charge people like Battlegrounds? Why not have the play testers pay you!! Wait a tick...
With all this shenanigans that have been going on with this game especially after battlefront 2 got this kind of stuff to the front of all games media sources' minds, in my opinion how has this game not been completely ripped apart by us and gamers more? The stuff bungie has been pulling has got to be intentional especially since they can fix it with the flip of a switch. I feel people need to start treating bungie just like EA, there is no passion bungie has put in this game from all stories and thoughts the people on here, you tube comment videos and even the destiny youtubers have told.
I'm still gaining more shards than losing them on coins, boons, gear, mods, engrams & lapdances.
I got bamboozled out of it too
How is it literally every aspect of this game seems to be bugged? Do they even have play testers?
Used one earlier. 4hrs and nothing, 5mins after it ran out an exotic dropped from a public event, waste of legendary shards. Bungie should gift all players 300 legendary shards as compensation for players wasting their shards on this fiasco.
Had a fire team medallion and 3 of coins active got 2 exotics in 4 hours of pvp and public events.
4 hours (2 on heroic strikes 2 on public events) and no exotic. Tried another the next day and got one exotic at 2 hours left while doing public events. Let’s review. Two 3oC (8 hours) and 1 exotic. That’s worse than going without 3oC prior to the update. “working as intended”
Edited by Kang 81: 12/17/2017 8:05:38 PMI've always thought the 3ofC was a scam. Bungie just nerfs the exotic drop rate, adds in the 3ofC, and at best we return to the original drop rate. At least in D1 it seemed like that, in D2, I preferred getting duplicate exotics to no exotics at all. Even with the 3ofC, the drop rate is now terrible. 🙄
Edited by N1njee314: 12/17/2017 8:59:36 PMUsed one last night 3 hours got 3 exotics was playing crucible.
Yes... placebo... Got 1 exotic today... no free of Coins active... Luv ya bunnnngeee... but 3oC.. bogus bro.😞😳😲
I can tell u they don’t work I used 3 of them that’s 12 hours of game play no exotics at all ... not only that i only received 7 exotics total since 12/5 maybe 10 at most but that is generous not counting the ones I bought from cut as that was not ring based
No noticeable increase for me
Yep the other day I play like 6 strikes, 10 crisol matches and 10 public events Whit a TOC activated, not a single exotic engram for me.
I'm not sure if I just couldn't remember, but I may have gotten one or two during the time it was active, which is absolutely garbage, but are people actually getting ZERO engrams during its time active? Then again I may have just been stupid and forgot it ran out.
At least they've communicated something in just a couple days.
Idk anymore. Popped a 3oC . Got an exotic out of a heroic PE. Did 5 heroic strikes and got 2 exotics. Other times I get nothing. So I guess it’s bug like you said
Ran one, farmed public events, did heroic strikes, for almost the whole time for the 3oC, didn't get one exotic. Not one.