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12/16/2017 9:28:34 PM
[quote]Without Bungie providing the percentage increase of chance for an exotic to drop, how do we know if ToC does anything at all? We can’t rely on Bungie’s veracity here either. Think, first they throttled experience gain without telling us but allowed us to buy fire team medallions that would have been pointless if you were being throttled. Then they “fixed” the issue of throttling xp gain but then DOUBLED the amount of xp needed to level up without telling a soul. Based on that track record, what’s keeping them from releasing ToC as a placebo for us to burn through the thousands of shards we have? How does one prove that random drops have increased when said drops are RANDOM?!? [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i][/quote] I've used 3 × three of coins now one after another and not got one single exotic engram, it's bull shit

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