So everyday I contemplate firing up my Xbox and playing Destiny 2 with some of my friends but something is always there to hold me back. In Destiny 1 I would rush home everyday and play the game for hours but with Destiny 2 I can't even manage to turn the game on. In all honesty I have no suggestions of what needs to be changed to make this game what it once was but clearly you've kicked my addiction and made me be sober for the last couple of months. I wish I had some more feedback but please bring back the game that most of us played for thousands of hours.
There's no grind. Grinding for tokens to get the same gun over and over, and then dismantle these items to then cash into the gunsmith, to then get another thing you already have to turn back into gunsmith materials. Static rolls are killing the games replayability and longevity. Exotics are underwhelming, however slightly getting better and only two exotics are actually worth having. Mod system is bang average and could be so much better which I think D2 has to work on if they want the success of Destiny 1 if they're not going to introduce random rolls again.