So everyday I contemplate firing up my Xbox and playing Destiny 2 with some of my friends but something is always there to hold me back. In Destiny 1 I would rush home everyday and play the game for hours but with Destiny 2 I can't even manage to turn the game on. In all honesty I have no suggestions of what needs to be changed to make this game what it once was but clearly you've kicked my addiction and made me be sober for the last couple of months. I wish I had some more feedback but please bring back the game that most of us played for thousands of hours.
Obviously there's been some "mistakes" as they've well put with xp throttling, broken Prometheus, end game loot but there's still a lot of people out here in the world supporting the destiny franchise. Most gamers are out in search of the perfect challenge right? My option is why not give them some true feedback? I personally like destiny since skyrim and fallout were virtually endless games that you could explore and there's destiny being a futuristic first person shooter with same capabilities of endless hours of gameplay? Honestly? I think in house game testers are not going to be the way to go. Obviously the beta was put out but to what effect? Obviously there are communication issues, more obvious is the endless cry for that great end game content and unbroken weapons, items, useful perks and missions people would like to come back to. Wanna make a great game? Get outside and I mean actual outside 100 or more gamers from each platform of play, no exclusives for any platform...we're gamers not jealous little children waving something a different person will never be able to obtain for a few years, get them to try your stuff before unleashing it to the world which doing so has caused quiet the uproar and thrown controllers, fix the patches beforehand so we have more time to play rather than wait to see what could possibly go wrong next. Guys...we're all good at math and some of us so good that we've crunched numbers to figure out the flaws, the lies, xp throttling to make it so we'd buy the loot instead of earning it. I figured that out first day of play when I did every public event on earth first of course but I kept doing them to level up fast to not have any loot withheld from me so I kept going and found the flaw. I crunch's my job. Hire some real outside help from actual fans. Every job I've ever had usually inside testing first before release never gets things where your true fans need it to be. FPS Tournament participants, the hardcore to the casual. Closed minds are like closed doors they never open unless you give it the momentum to go in the directions it needs. So get the outside testers for your content by true fans, you'll get true feedback and what could honestly be made better, develope the patch then and there, release it then keep the servers going because like a small child who gets something awesome for christmas or a birthday coming to find out it needs batteries and figure out there are none? All the jobs I've worked for I was there for nearly everyday but the day of the holiday to make sure people would come back to things working the way they should. Till this day I can honestly say I've never been wrong to do so and can give you lists. So I don't mean to rain on your parade but your fan base is you're "money" source and your fan base is angry and quitting you like a bad habit. EA screwed it up with their loot box craze where the actual government had to practically shut them down and they lost countless billions. Don't let your fan base do that to you. We bought the game. Give us what we're do craving and for the love of our ghosts just do as we ask would you? COMMUNICATE!!!