originally posted in:The New Dojo
“Well this is quite a story...uh...well...”
[i]He began in thought, recalling all the past events of his weird story.[/i]
“Awhile ago in my last mission, my team was called to investigate a strange signal on an unmapped planet. We had always done stuff like this, so this didn’t seem that different.”
[i]Vaeris sits down on a large rock, his armor clunking heavily on the stone expressing it’s power and strength.[/i]
“As soon as we got there we got strange readings from the air, so we went down to the surface to get better data from there. This didn’t turn out so well...I think. I can only remember up until that back door opened, then everything is blank for 2 years.
Since then I’ve been trying to remember whatever happened those two missing years, but so far I’ve come up with nothing but weird creatures and odd substances that probably aren’t even related to my adventure. For all I know I could be collecting alien semen.”
[i]He chuckles lightly, though goes back to a serious expression soon.[/i]
"Wait, you wouldn't be the One Hit Wonder Turian, would you?" [i]Marker asked a bit suddenly, stepping away from the tree and standing tall. [/i] "Because if you are, then it's a pleasure to meet you. I read the report of your team and its members, as I have a special interest with the Turian military." [i]Marker explained, though it didn't help make it sound any less.. Weird. [/i]
“Wait, you found the rest of the report? What did it say? I’ve been trying to find it for awhile but my access is...limited.” [i]He looked eager to hear what it said, since he had never even been able to come into contact with any military officer even though he was an agent, a missing one at that.[/i] [i]Vaeris also had wondered where the hell his squadmates went as well, since they were missing too.[/i]
"I could give you a copy of the report if you wanted..." [i]Marker offered, gesturing up towards the dojo. [/i] "Got a Kodiak waiting up there if you want to head up the Alliance base. It'll be easier to get the report up there."
“That would be absolutely perfect if you did that. I’ve been searching for so long!” [i]Vaeris put a lot of emphasis on the “so long”, a little bit too much to be honest. He seemed overly excited, fidgeting around just because of it.[/i]
"Then... If you please, follow me." [i]Marker started up the path towards the dojo, motioning for Lupi to follow him as he walked. [/i]
[spoiler]Sorry for taking so long, busy[/spoiler] [i]Vaeris gladly followed, moving slightly faster than his new friend, even.[/i] “When’d you read about me and my team? Been years and not one thing has come up to me about us.”
[spoiler]All good. [/spoiler] "Nearly four weeks ago, once this dammed war started." [i]Marker informed the Turian, the gates of the dojo creaking open as the duo approached. Two Militia Rifleman nodding their heads to Marker and Lupi as they entered, walking through the courtyard. [/i] "I took a particular interest in your squadron due to amount of people labeled MIA, including you. I read up on all those that were deemed MIA in an effort to potentially find those that were missing, so that we could bring back those warriors and have them fight by our sides once more." [i]Marker explained it a tad more complicated then was necessary, but the point stood. If Lupi was MIA, he could potentially be found and brought back to the war. [/i] "We actually found two squads of Turian Marines that had gone missing sometime ago. Along with a squad of Alliance Marines. Though, their numbers were nearly halved from their originals." [i]The duo would approach a [url=https://imgur.com/36cpfP3]Kodiak[/url], which had the Alliance logo painted onto the side. [/i]
“That would make sense...wait, why would you look for soldiers that went missing years ago? I can understand that if you’re just that desperate but usually that’s just a lost cause.” [i]The Turian enters with Marker and takes a breath of the familiar air. It had been awhile since he’d been on one of these, and he liked them, though it brought back bad memories.[/i]
"Sometimes they are, I'll grant you that. We're not desperate, but there have been great soldiers that have gone MIA. Soldiers who's stories are still being told today. And oftentimes... The closure [i]is[/i] worth it." [i]The two Rifleman that had opened the gate stepped in besides Marker and Lupi. After a few moments, the ship's doors closed and it launched off, going north. [/i]
“I guess it’s always better to have an ending to a story, rather than just...blank pages.” [i]Oddly, when going to sit after they launch, Vaeris doesn’t sit on a seat, but instead the floor. He didn’t seem worried that he would slide or anything, or even what would happen if they crashed. Totally content.[/i] “Do you know anything of, say, strange creatures or objects of unknown origin? Anything particularly odd or interesting?”
"You mean stuff like the Protheans? Or this resurgence or Reaper tech that's filtering into the war?" [i]Marker didn't sit anywhere. He merely stood where he had boarded, looking down at Lupi as the two spoke. [/i]
“No, I mean [i]really[/i] weird stuff, like things that look like they shouldn’t belong in the universe. I know I sound crazy but I’m pretty sure there’s something else out there doing stuff that we don’t know about.” [i]He proceeds to pull out some weird piece of tech, almost looking biological, but clearly artificial. It seemed to have broken off of something, but whatever it was definitely wasn’t of anything either of them had seen before. [/i] “For example, this thing I pulled out of an abandoned ship in the middle of a desert. Don’t ask why I was there. Don’t ask what this thing does either, because I have no idea.”
"To be quite fair... This whole universe is... Strange. Takatai seems to be a hub of the multiverse, which we can now confirm exists." [i]Marker simply shrugged, shifting his gaze to look at the item. He looked back toward Lupi, shaking his head slightly. [/i] "If there's a few pieces of tech that don't seem as though the belong, that can be expected. Though, I certainly would like to know more about what this thing is."
“So would I. I don’t have one clue what it does. My scans show nothing about it.” [i]He puts it away and sits back against the ship wall, sighing. He looks down and says 3 words.[/i] “...I need sleep.”
"I'll set you up. You can sleep in the barracks tonight, if you want." [i]Marker offered as the ship lowered itself, slowly but surely making a landing. [/i]
“Thanks, that’d be great. I haven’t slept in maybe...three days?” [i]Vaeris says as he stands, putting his hand to his forehead.[/i]
"Is there a reasoning behind that? On the road with constant traveling... Or?" [i]The Kodiak doors opened, revealing a snowy mountain range belonging to the Ko Rudo mountain range. Several buildings were built around the area, painted on them were symbols of the Alliance... Or the Militia. Marker stepped off the Kodiak and Lupi was it with the cold air from the northern mountain range, sending a chill up his back. [/i]
“Yeah, that and the fact that I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched constantly.” [/i]The Turian says as he steps out, squinting as the cold hit his eyes, his body keeping warm for now because of his suit. He stares out across the range momentarily, before returning to himself and looking at Marker.[/i]
"I understand how you feel, Lupi. It aches and plagues you for a long time." [i]Marker started walking, going through the area and entering into a building. Several Alliance Marines and Militia Riflemen were passed as they walked, all nodding their heads to the two. As they stepped into the building, Lupi instantly felt warmer than he had before. Marker led Lupi toward what looked like a command center, a large table being seen in the middle with a holographic image of the Galactic map. [/i]