originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Whatever he chose, he did need to hurry before nightfall.[/i]
[i]In short, Fabio had been told that nighttime wasn't exactly a good time in Khaom.[/i]
Fabio turned into a piegeon, flying over the walls and scanning the city with a bird's eye view.
[i]The city was a terrifyingly large place, with towers and jagged palaces making up it's homes for the richer castes. The poor seemed to live in trenches and slums, encircling the massive, ancient arena of Khaom.[/i] [i]Fabio would see.. a light, emitting from a tower. A faintly gold one, alongside a soft horn. He had heard it before, somewhere - might be a decent idea to check it out.[/i] [spoiler]No, not a trap lmao.[/spoiler]
He flew towards the tower. He was careful to avoid hitting the buildings.
[i]When Fabio arrived, he was greeted by.. an elf.[/i] "Tweet tweet, birdie. You wouldn't know a Fabio, would you?" [i]The cloaked, feminine elf giggled a little, the tips of her knife-like ears given away by how they protruded from her hood. She held up a Trayven insignia, her face kept hidden by her shawl.[/i]
He shifted back to his human form. "Yes, I do. Because that's me."
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/20/2017 4:16:56 PM"Twas a joke, dear. What else can you transform into? A dragon? Should've done that for Bella." [i]The elven scout giggled a little, as a gloved hand was raised into a salute.[/i] "Charla. Charles if we're getting into codenames, or Charlie too. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, that bullshit. And you're Fabio. Sweet."
"My codename would be Alpha Centauri. I'm used to that codename," he shrugged.
"Sweet, sweet. We've got.. six other scouts here. Listen - the politicians corrupted by the Tribune, they're planning something. What exactly, we don't know, but it's under the arena. So.. ready to get underneath the pit fights?"
"Do I have turn into a bug?" Fabio asked, "I hate bugs."
"You don't have to. Hell, I'd prefer a cute little parrot on my shoulder, though. What can you transform into, anyway? Like.. a dragon? Manticore? Ooh, a centaur?"
"Ugh. You can't just fly underground to a secret meeting as a parrot. Too obvious."
"I never said you'd be flying around, you'd be on my shoulder. Get some nice views of the package, if you're catching on."
"You. Can't. Just. Walk. In. With. A. Parrot. On. Your. Shoulder."
[i]Charla stared at Fabio for a moment, before raising her hand, only to suddenly pat him on the nose.[/i] "Bad boy. Bad.. It's your choice on what we go in as, then."
"Hey! I was a good boy when I accidently shape-shifted into a German Shepard!" Fabio argued.
"Bad! ...So what are you transforming as, then?"
"A rat. Rats are common underground. Plus they scare the s**t out of people."
"Eh. Rats aren't really scary, but as long as you don't crap in my pocket or something, I'll take care of you." [i]The elven spy would nod to Fabio, sighing as she would look up at the starry night before them.[/i] "We should go ahead and get moving. The night is young, but it'll be dawn when we exit."
Fabio shifted into a rat, then climbed into her pocket.
"That's it." [i]Charla muttered, keeping her hand around Fabio's small body. She would begin to traverse throughout the city.[/i] "Go ahead and look around. Check for anything wrong."
Edited by Splashback77: 12/24/2017 2:40:21 AMHe crawled underground to under the arena.
[i]Underneath the depths of the arena, Fabio would find tunnels. Tunnels of spiraling pathways of Khaom's underground world: hitmen, slave trade, the usual from a criminal populace.[/i] [i]And yet, Tribune soldiers, moving throughout the tunnels.[/i]
He snuck around, keeping note of Tribune soldiers and avoiding them.
[i]Fabio would catch a few glimpses of Charla, as she had begun to move down beneath the labyrinth of tunnels. She had begun conversing with the Khaom soldiers, not approaching the ones from the Tribune yet. The Khaomites recognized her, though.. rebels against the Tribune control.[/i] [i]As Fabio descended deeper, he could hear.. chains, and what sounded like a mining operation.[/i]
He followed Tribune soldiers.