You may want to check that you’re logging on to the correct account. I can see two level 20 characters (277 and 303) and a level 3.
Ya and noe I have 2 level 25 characters 334 and 335 and working on my titan n still am getting multiple repeated items n making me not want to bother raiding or doing any farming because I can't seem to get the stuff I don't have no matter what I do
they are there today. i am sorry for the rude tone and any inconvenience i may have caused.
FIX THE DAMN RNG!!!!! This is getting beyond ridiculous.....over $40 spent in silver and not a single exotic or item worth keeping......over 15 exotic engrams decrypted and 3/4 of them are raised flux.......over 200 callus tokens turned in and all in a row ghost primus not even masterworked.......getting really really sick of the way the rng is not asking for handouts I'm asking for a more balanced system and don't even get me started on illuminated engram I have gotten over 30 ships and sparrows all useless and basic as well as useless ghosts....yet I sit in the traveler for 20 minutes and consistently see people getting exotics upon exotics, party members getting exotics and armor pieces I have been grinding my ass off for....I either want a reimbursement for the amount I have spent on silver which proved to be an absolute -blam!-ing waste or I want you to credit my account in some gameplay hours are insane I play all day everyday and grind and raid and can't seem to catch a break no matter what I do in this game and I don't want to quit but y'all need to do something.....
THIS^^^ is only one of many, many reasons that I will be SUING Bungie and their worthless associates. Stay tuned.