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Edited by SquattingTurtle: 12/20/2017 6:32:28 AM

Honestly i wish Dawnblade's attunements were mashed together and then have a Sunsinger-ish attunement.

I'm not a big fan of the top attunement's super being so much worse than the bottom. The trade off doesn't make sense since your super is pretty rare in D2. In fact i think dawnblade as a whole had some of it's attunement perks slapped together for a more fun experience. Osiris could use both dive and dash ^_^. [quote][u][b]Attunement of Sky:[/b][/u] [b]I: Solar Wind:[/b](a more fun melee ability) Hold R1 to charge a cone of solar wind. Pushes enemies back with a light burn effect. (the cone of burn should be enough to kill a group of dregs) [b]II:Icarus dash/Phoenix dive:[/b] (combination for fun mobility)Press O, O/B, B while midair to dash. Hold O/B while midair to quickly descend and restore a small portion of your health. While Daybreak is active, Descend causes explosive damage. [b]III:Heat rises/winged sun:[/b] (same as top ATN)Airborne kills recharge your Grenade and Melee energy. Engage your enemies mid-flight. Fire weapons and throw grenades while gliding. [b]IV:Everlasting Flame:[/b](same as bottom ATN) Killing an enemy with Daybreak extends its duration. Daybreak projectiles seek targets as they travel and, upon impact, launch a streak of deadly flames.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Attunement of Song:[/b][/u] (PS NO SELF REZ) [b]I: Brimstone:[/b] Hold R1 to Charge a cone of Solar damage,. Targets killed by Brimstone explode and produce an orb of Light. note: enough damage to kill a group of dregs. [b]II: Radiance:[/b] Can no longer shoot projectiles from magical space sword. All abilities have vastly reduced cooldowns while Radiance is active. (Though if they don't let you use your weapon, I don't mind) [b]III: Song of Flame:[/b] Allies near radiance while active have slightly(but noticeable) reduced ability cooldowns. (IMPORTANT:Make sure there is an AOE circle to indicate for allies to come near you) [b]IV: Embrace the Sun!:[/b] Your (orange) Rift reduces you and your ally's grenade and melee ability cooldowns while standing in it. Note:(2-3 grenades but only when standing in it for the entire duration. Remember this ability has a long cooldown of 1:23 and lasts about 15 seconds so an extra two grenades shouldn't be OP i believe.)[/quote] ***Note: cooldown reducing perks cannot be stacked with another sunsinger at the same time.

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