originally posted in:The New Dojo
*He tried to read for a while, but got bored quickly and handed it back with a smile.*
“You confuse me sometimes, Quincy. But I like that.”
Quinny smiled as he took the book back, closing it as he leaned over to give Vorim a hug. "Aww, thanks hun." he said sweetly. His mood always improved dramatically whenever he was around Vorim. "So, care for some eggnod?" Q asked as he sloshed his mug around, waggling his eyebrows. The foamy beverage sloshed around, up, and back down into the cup, only a little of it spilling.
“Would love some.” *He said as he nuzzled Quincy, smiling happily.* “I’ve never had any but from how much you’re drinking it must be good.”